Introducing People To The Life God Intended

Brandon Goff. Lead Pastor of Radiate Church in Columbia, SC. Married to Megan, 2 kids - Brody and Kiley.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Your Greatest Weapon 4/5

Over the past week we've been looking at the different pieces of armor that is explained in Ephesians 6:10-18. It's important to remember that there are 5 different pieces of DEFENSIVE armor (which we are breaking down in this blog series) and 1 piece of OFFENSIVE weapon...YOUR SPIRIT! Your spirit is your greatest weapon. The 5 pieces of defensive armor are around to protect us from injury and to defend us. Our SPIRIT is for us to back the enemy up! Until we learn to connect our Spirit to His, we cannot win the battle. Defense doesn't score enough points to win, only offense does!

Today let's look at: SHIELD OF FAITH

The point and power the shield of faith is actually explained within the scripture that it's listed. It's used to "...extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one." Think about the shield of faith this way. A shield is used to deflect attacks...specifically arrows. A shield will cause an arrow to fall to the ground, harmless and useless. But, every so often, if a shield was worn and weaker and an arrow hit the shield in that specific spot, the arrow would penetrate the shield. Although this was very rare, it did happen, but it would still not hurt the soldier. It would, however, mean the shield would have to be thrown away or repaired.

Your faith will be one of the major areas that will be attacked by "...the evil one..." or Satan himself. (By the way, if you believe in Heaven, you have to believe in the alternative. One without the other is not necessary.) Satan understands that if he can wound or shake your faith, he has shaken the very core of your belief in God, Jesus, and His miraculous works! But your faith has the power to deflect the arrows of the enemy useless. It has the ability to keep any arrow from touching you or even getting too close to you. Your faith, however, if not strengthened or taken care of can become weak and easily penetrated.

But when the shield is penetrated you have an option. When that moment happens that is out of your control and you don't know what to do, you can repair or throw away your faith. When your finances come crashing down, your family comes apart, or your health is in can repair or throw away your faith. The enemy would love for you to think that because there may be a small penetration of an arrow in your shield that your entire faith foundation is no good...but that's not true! Let God repair it and continue to deflect the arrows... because unless you have the shield of faith, the arrows WILL hit you...not might, but WILL!

Stand strong today. Don't quit. Don't give up. Don't hurt. Don't get angry... repair! Take your faith, your heart, your situation to the fixer of all things, God, and let Him repair your faith. Let Him bring you to a place where YOU aren't deflecting anything, it's your faith!

I'm believing this is your turn around day for your spirit to be your greatest weapon! Don't forget to go back and read any of the posts you have missed!

You can purchase my new book SHIFT HERE

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Your Greatest Weapon: 3/5

As we look at Ephesians 6 we are looking at the concept that 5 of the 6 pieces of armor discussed in the Armor of God are DEFENSIVE, and only one is OFFENSIVE... why? Because all we need is the SPIRIT to back up and win against our attackers. I wanted to take some time and look at the defensive pieces of armor and discuss why those are so important in our lives. You can see  The Most Recent Post Here!

Today we will look at: Shoes Of Peace (Ephesians 6:15)

I have a thing for shoes. Some people would valiantly say that it's very unhealthy and maybe even need to see a professional for this. (Maybe my friend Dennis Wells at Wellspring could help?) I have a ton of shoes. I have shoes that I only wear with certain shirts, and to be honest, I'm a little embarassed to admit that on here. As we are preparing for our second child, my biggest anxiety is where are all my shoes going to go as I have to clean out my second closet of them! (Ok, maybe I DO have a problem)

I like shoes because they can help me look good or not. They also help take me where I need to go that day. They are protection and comfort. I go no where without shoes, and hopefully you don't either. (No shirt, NO SHOES, no service...come on just put them on!) But I think it's interesting here that Paul connects SHOES to PEACE. What in the world do those two have to do with anything?

Peace is of great value in our lives. Have you ever done something that you knew was the right thing or right decision? And although others may not like it you just feel right and good about it? That's peace! And Jesus promises that as we listen to His TRUTH, and we guard our hearts with RIGHTEOUSNESS peace can play a vital and valuable role in our lives. Peace is the thing that keeps us going, gives us ability to move ahead with boldness, and comforts us. Without peace we are very uneasy about anything we do.

I believe Paul is making a very bold statement here that we should all add to our arsenal as we go through life...everywhere you go...make peace, have peace, work in peace. Peace creates trust and comfort when you're building relationships with people. Don't be a peace-wrecker, be a peace-maker! People want to know if they can trust you, or if complaints and negativity will spring from your mouth. Someone with peace is easy to find because they have a calm security about their life. Things won't rattle them quite as much and issues wont' dictate moods quite as often. When you work in peace you are really working in an attribute of Jesus.

God is the God of peace. He desires to implant peace in our lives. He wishes to let us walk and live in peace. Think of it this way...everywhere you go the sole of your shoe leaves a shoe print. (Even on hard floors...ever seen CSI?) The shoe print Paul is saying we can leave is peace...Peace guards us and takes us places that strife and conflict can't.

Peace will take you to relationships, promotions, and goals that strife and conflict will steer you away from.'s what will lead your life to a place of power! So lace up your shoes, tie them tight, and walk in peace...because where it will take you might just surprise you!

You may purchase my new book "Shift" HERE

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Your Greatest Weapon: 2/5

This is post 2 from Your Greatest Weapon based on Ephesians 6:10-18.

Last blog we looked at the belt of TRUTH. ( Find It Here! ) My goal in these posts is not to rehash something we've looked at and learned in Sunday School as kids, rather to give us all something to take home and utilize at home and at work.

Today let's check out: Breastplate of RIGHTEOUSNESS

So, we've already established that the 5 defensive pieces are set to defend us and help us hurt less as attacks and things are thrown our way. I'm sure you can picture this but I'm going to break it down anyway... A breastplate is a piece of armor that covers your chest and midsection, the front of your body. That way anything standing before you can be shielded from your heart.

Righteousness is defined as: 1. acting in accord with divine or moral law : free from guilt or sin. 2. morally right or justifiable (Merriam-Webster Dictionary Online)

So, looking at this literally, righteousness, or a lifestyle based on doing things and making decisions based on our convictions and beliefs that are right and justified, is not for people, but for the protection of our hearts! Think about it this way... good parents will try to keep their kids from doing things that may not make sense to them. As a kid my parents would ocassionally not allow me to attend a party a friend or schoolmate was throwing. At the time I didn't understand and would get upset, but now that I'm older I understand that they had more wisdom and saw into the situation more than I, thus keeping me out of a  situation that could have pierced my heart.

Righteousness is not an a lifestyle or act of perfection, getting it right all the time, or even claiming "I'm better than you." Rather righteousness is set as a protection of our hearts - but can only be applied if we are willing to live the lifestyle that it takes. Some people tend to think that righteousness is never doing anything wrong. I would like to say that I believe righteousness is the act of making decisions that will guard our hearts and try to live my life according to my convictions and beliefs...NOT perfection, but righteousness!

So, today, understand something...when you feel a nudge to stay away from something, or if someone is warning you of something, it may be a hint of righteousness trying to sneak in and protect your heart from any frustration, piercing, or hurt. Your heart is a sensitive thing...I mean that is where Jesus chose to dwell...if your heart gets pierced, often times it's difficult to repair without some major surgery/recovery. (figuratively speaking) 

Righteousness, or making the right decisions can be tough. Difficult. Frustration. Unpopular. But, it's necessary to do in order to live a life that is protecting the most sensitive area our lives.... our hearts!

In HIS Grip!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Your Greatest Weapon: 1/5

Hey guys. Based the message this past week, and the new series starting this week - "Toxic Mindsets" - I wanted to blog this week to keep us learning and growing. Last week we looked at the Armor (Ephesians 6:10-18) and what that meant for us. There are 5 pieces of DEFENSIVE armor, and 1 piece of OFFENSIVE armor. You need WAY MORE to shield you from hurt, than you do to win the fight. Let's break some of this stuff down.

This week: BELT OF TRUTH

Ever heard the saying "The truth hurts"? Or even "You can't handle the truth"? The reality of life is that most of the time that truth is introduced into our lives, both of those statements have truth. (haha, see what I did there?) There's something to be said about someone that doesn't shy from truth, whether they are giving it or receiving it. According to the scripture we're breaking down, truth is meant to shield and protect us from attacks, from hurts, and from pains. So, essentially, when we are denying truth, we are removing protection.

Think of this: Jesus said that He is the The Way, The TRUTH, and the Life... If "The Way" and "The Life" are connected to the truth, then it only stands to reason that when we receive and correctly give truth we are beginning to see THE WAY to THE LIFE! (oohhh, now that was good. I think I'm gonna praise for a minute...)

The truth does hurt sometimes. It usually hurts the most when it contradicts a comfortable way of life for me. I remember when starting Radiate Church, someone, a mentor/friend of mine, came in and told me things that I needed to change/work on. Some of it hurt because that was MY baby! That was MY church! That was how I had set it up! But, I was wrong about something... it wasn't my baby, God had birthed, fought for, and defended that church long before I ever became the vision carrier! And that wasn't my church... God had envisioned the personality and productivity of Radiate long before I was titled Lead Pastor! The truth hurt, because I was used to one thing, and it was being challenged. And here's something to remember the way I handle truth, is the way I'm protected while I'm on THE WAY to THE LIFE!

So, this week, find ways to receive the truth of the Word of God, the voice of God, and from the messengers of God. Listen, let yourself be protected and challenged and understand...The way to the life runs right in the middle of THE TRUTH!

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April 7 Tweetables!

April 8, 2013: Not A Fan - Anyone - Luke 9:23

- When Jesus says "Anyone", He really means "Everyone"!

- When Jesus said "Anyone", He destroyed all excuses!

- Fans of Jesus want to be clean. Followers of Jesus want to be effective!

- Jesus is for anyone, but it will cost you everything.

Feel free to tweet/Facebook these and share with your followers.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Tweeters: Lost & Found

Here's some "one-liners" to share on Facebook and Twitter from the message Lost & Found yesterday!

_ In order to introduce people to Jesus we must care more and judge less

_ Everyday we have a chance to grab a paralytic and drop them into the presence of Jesus. Today I begin...

_ If you don't know people that don't know Jesus, it's time to start getting to know them!

_ If you aren't talking about Jesus, you're relationship with Him can't be too great. (that one is a bonus)

_ If you don't believe Jesus rose again on the 3rd day, you can't believe Jesus is Savior

_ 98% of church goers haven't invited someone to church in 12 months. Let's change that this week!

_ Everyone matters... let's show the world how much!

Friday, March 1, 2013

On My Way

I'm a  pretty impatient person. I don't like to wait for anything, and I'm a guy that enjoys instant results. That's just how I'm wired. Maybe it's because I'm a guy, or maybe it's escalated because of who I am, but I literally have to force myself to sit back and wait sometimes.

For instance, if my wife is somewhere and I know she'll be home at a certain time, it doesn't matter if I just talked to her, I will often call her and ask her where she's at. I may know she's already left to come home and on her way home, but I'm just impatient like that. (I've gotten better over the years) And her response is usually the same, "I'm on the way."Such a simple statement, that informs me that no, she hasn't arrived yet, but she's working as well as she can to get there.

"I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do; forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:13,14, NASB)

Paul is discussing here his future destination. He's encouraging the people of Philipi not to quit, not to give up, and not to abandon their way of living for God because they are "on the way." It's easy for people today to look at their pastor, leader, or spouse and think that they "are there", and have arrived. It's really, honestly, even easy to get frustrated that we aren't there yet. Almost like riding in a car for a long period of time, and sometimes you just get tired of riding in the car. But you keep going because you still aren't there!

Where is there? "For our citizenship is in heaven..." (Philippians 3:20)
There is heaven. There is our eternal place in the presence of God our Creator, maker, and Father. How do we get there? "Forget what lies behind and reach forward to what lies ahead. Press on toward the goal for the prize..."

Leader, mother, father, pastor, friend... don't you quit! Don't give up! It's not easy, but it's worth it. Your ride to your destination may have more bumps, traffic lights, and detours than mine, but neither of us have arrived yet... we are still "on the way". The beauty of this journey is this: when it seems difficult for us to continue riding, continue pressing on, and reaching for that goal... God promises to be there to hear us, help us, and love us anyway! God wants to help you get there. Will you let Him?

What is making your trip so difficult? Why?
Take a moment and offer it to God in prayer. Ask for His help, wisdom, guidance, and lead.
Make a reminder not to give up and stop living your life for Him. (write the scripture somewhere you will see it, make up your own ideas...)

I believe your ride is about to get better!

Monday, February 25, 2013

"Draw Me Close" Tweeters

Here's some one-line Tweeters for you to share on Facebook and Twitter this week from Sunday's message "Draw Me Close"

Physical Intimacy is as much a spiritual act as it is physical. Don't abuse either!

God doesn't desire for your relationship to just survive. He's set it up to THRIVE!

Honor your marriage with the highest of honors. Your love is to be honored in every way.

Keep your marriage bed undefiled, stay pure physically and in thought.

Emotional connection with your spouse is bred from deep love. (1 Peter 3:7-9)

Make a way to connect emotionally, it shows your love, honor, and appreciation for one another.

Emotional intimacy increases physical and spiritual intimacy as well.

If your life isn't based on spiritual intimacy your relationship won't be either!

Without the foundation of God in your relationship, nothing else will matter.

The secret REALationship formula: Follow God, Take care of each other! THRIVE!

Use the hashtag #realationships and #radiatechurch when posting!

Friday, February 22, 2013

In Your Wildest Dreams...

The past couple of days I've been thinking on Ephesians 3:20.

"Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us." (NASB)

In your wildest dreams, if money were not an issue, what would you do to help spread the Kingdom? What would you do to help people see the love of Jesus? Think about it. What is it?

For me I have several, but the 3 things I would love to do is to:
1- lead a powerful movement (church) that equips people to be what God created them to be.
2- Build a ministry that helps orphans.
3- Help single parents.

But how can I do that? How can we make the dreams a reality in life? What can we do? The answer is this: NOTHING! Let me explain...

We can do nothing within our own power. All we can do is work like it depends on us and pray like it depends on Him...because it does! The key to this verse that is often overlooked and underappreciated is the end... "according to the power that works within us."

The power that works within us is the the power of the Holy Spirit. Upon repentance the Holy Spirit became available to us, the filling of the Holy Spirit takes place as we lay ourselves down and allow Him to take over. It's a matter of surrender of ourselves, and acceptance of the Spirit. The power that the Spirit works within you and I depends on the amount of surrender we've given.

The beautiful thing is this: What we desperately dream and want to accomplish, God wants to accomplish more, with more power, with more authority, with more results that we can think of. And He has given us the power (the Holy Spirit) to help us accomplish our dream, plus some.

So, what now? Surrender. Surrender your dreams, your plans, your ideas, your model of getting things done to the Spirit. Let the Spirit move you into a place of success and submission. Pastors, we need to surrender our models for leadership and church growth to the Spirit and get His approval. Leaders, it's up to the Spirit to lead us in our next step.

Remember: after all, it is the power that works within us that accomplishes the great things! Walk in His fresh steps, because making your own doesn't work so well.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Sunday's Tweeters

Here's the "Tweeters" from Sunday's REALationships message: "Know Your Role Men"

- God has a strategy to help our relationships THRIVE instead of just surviving.

- Man may be head of the relationship, but God is the head of it all!

- If you want a REALationship that will thrive, the man must lead.

- 1 Corinthians 11:3 is the God given way to ensure a proper relationship that will make a difference.

- Family/relationships were established to be Kingdom movers!

- A man must follow Christ's example of loving the church in order to properly love His wife.

- To truly love someone sacrifice is a key in the relationship. Sacrifice shows love!

- If you want your partner to be proud of you, give them something to be proud of! Your actions speak louder than your words!

- Serving one another is a way to express your appreciation towards one another.

- In order to help fill Heaven and empty Hell, we must show future generations proper relationships.

- God created relationships to be something special in this life. He must sit in the center of your love.

Share these throughout the week to share the power of God in relationships!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Wells of Fresh Relationship

"But when Isaac's servants dug in the valley and found there a well of flowing water, the herdsmen of Gerar quarreled with the herdsmen of Isaac, saying 'The water is ours!' So he named the well Esek, because they contended with him. Then they dug another well, and they quarreled over it too, so he named it Sitnah. He moved away form there and dug another well, and they did not quarrel over it; so he named it Rehobeth, for he said, 'At last the Lord has made room for us, and we will be fruitful in the land." (Genesis 26:19-22)

"But whenever they persecute you in one city, flee to the next; for truly I say to you, you will not finish going through the cities of Israel until the Son of Man comes." (Matthew 10:23)

Church can be a harsh, condemning, hard place to fit in and be loved sometimes. There are literally people that would just love to see people fail, fall, and make mistakes. It's like they seem to be waiting around the corner, so when that moment of weakness does sneak up on you they can jump out and scream "I told you so!!" It's not all churches, I would venture to say it's not most churches. It's not all Christians, and not even most Christians. But there is a rising number of "believers" that have a perfect parallel to Genesis 26:19-22.

It's almost like when Isaac's herdsmen were digging the well and they found the water. They were excited, everyone was. They were pumped, ecstatic and wanted to share the findings. But somewhere, somehow the spirit of authority and selfishness reared its ugly head and decided not to go away. All of a sudden, the herdsmen of Gerar stepped up and said, "Wait a second! You may have dug this well, but this is our land! My grandparents paid for this land, tilled this land, built the well covering, and made this a reality. This isn't your well! This water that you're so excited about is worth telling people about but they can't just come up and hang out. They can't be dirty, stinky, messy, sinful, frustrated, or even dress inappropriately. They must live up to certain things before becoming part of this well. This well is distinguished and different. And if you don't agree, you can go find another well to call your own."

So, Isaac's guys did just that. Until they found a well that Gerar would leave alone. They then camped there, found a home there, and were FRUITFUL there! In fact, Isaac knew that they would be FRUITFUL in THAT land because they found a well that accepted anyone, for anything, at anytime. I was also reminded of Matthew 10:23 when thinking about this. Do you want to know why people are jumping from church to church, not committing, loving, or standing still in a place? Because they feel persecuted, uncomfortable, condemned, and even judged! It's a matter of principle that was set in place. Jesus told His disciples to do this. If they felt that way - go where they didn't.

I'm tired of seeing pastor's that would like for churches that are different from their fail. I'm sick of hearing people hold past grudges against one another so they can't even grow the Kingdom with a good heart! I'm frustrated with people feeling condemned and unwelcomed in church because a mistake was made. I'm tired of answering the question of "will you allow homosexuals and lesbians in your church?" When we start entertaining these thoughts, ideas, and concepts we begin to try to dictate who can come to the fresh water that we've found. That is when people will start looking for a well that people won't keep them from enjoying!

Lord, please don't let Radiate or me, be a well that people run from, but a well of your fresh water that people run to! It's about bringing people to salvation, true repentance, great things in your plan, and restoration. Help me to help You, help them! Amen.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tweeters: "Perfect Connection"

Here are the top 10 "Tweeters" (since everyone else uses Tweetables) from Sunday's message. Spread them out and post them on Twitter/Facebook this week!

- Jesus didn't just die for you but for your relationships as well.

- If Jesus isn't at the center, nothing else will matter.

- God created us all to be relational, He is relational, He has big plans for your relationships!

- The way we handle our relationships is a reflection of how we handle the Kingdom of God.

- Convenient relationships will never satisfy like a companion relationship. Get out of convenience!

- If you aren't encouraging, equipping, and engaging each other to something different!

- Before you can be in a right relationship...know who YOU are first!

- Inventory your outside relationships...if they are inappropriate, cut the cord!

- The easiest way to kill your relationship is never to work at it. Successful love is WORK!

- The goal is not to find the right person, but to be the right person!

Share the Word of God this week using Social Media. These are just tools, maybe you wrote something down or something stuck with you and you want to share that. GO FOR IT! Grab a friend, bring them with you, and see you Sunday!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


As a church planter things are most often busy, sometimes stressful, and many times difficult. I also understand that everyone in life seems to struggle in the same way. Everyone only has 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week, and 52 weeks in a year. That's one thing that we cannot get away from, no matter what! And you know what...we'd better just accept it!

As we become more and more stretched and busy in life, I believe we must become more strategic about what we do, where our energy goes, and who we listen to. That's where I lack sometimes, and that's where I'm sure many of you lack many times...strategy and energy management. The more I live my life as to what God wants from me, I realize that I must be strategic about my life.

In Exodus 18 Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, gives him some great advice. Moses was pastoring a great and large church, Israel! He had a ton of people that listened to him, honored his authority, and respected his voice. People, day in and day out, came to Moses for forgiveness, understanding, and help. So, Moses is answering hundreds of people each day, and was getting tired, frustrated, and probably even burnt out. Then Jethro comes along for a visit one day and offers some wisdom. He asks Moses why he was leading that way. He informed Moses that he would quickly get burnt out, frustrated and feel like he was constantly behind in life. He then laid out a format for Moses to lead better and more efficiently...streamline his voice, his ear, and his action.

Here's the point: Jethro helped Moses become a tremendous leader by teaching him to be strategic with what he does, who he listens to, and how he does it!

Where you spend your energy determines the destination of what you're doing. Simply put, what you give your energy/ear to, and where/how you spend your time determines how effective you will be in what you're doing. Don't give in to negativity anymore. Don't give into people who don't believe in the dream God has placed in your heart. Don't allow others to organize your calendars anymore. We may all have the same amount of hours in a day, days in a week, and weeks in a year, but we can all do better at managing what we have!

Stewardship is a Godly/biblical principle. Steward well, get more, steward poorly get less. STOP GIVING YOUR ENERGY TO OTHER THINGS! Become strategic, purposeful, and energetic! You will see yourself become more effective, happier, and more loving...because your life is pointing to something now, instead of wasting energy on people and things that don't deserve it!

Do these things to create your strategy:
1) Determine not to pay attention to negativity/naysayers.
2) What do you want to accomplish in every area of your life?
3) What do you need to plan in order to accomplish God's dream for your life?

The purpose is up to God... the accomplishing of that is up to you. Let's move!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Sunday's Tweetables

Hey guys. We started putting these up during the service, but I'll post them here as well so you can explode Twitter/Facebook with God's truth throughout the week.

- Whatever you release is seed, whatever you hold onto is your harvest. God only increases seed!

- Sowing a seed can release the freedom from a curse (sin) in your life.

- The size of your seed determines the miracle you'll experience

- Jesus was the ultimate seed. God sowed the seed of Jesus to give us access to the Kingdom.

- Your life can be increased by showing God what DOESN'T own you, and who DOES own you!

Friday, January 25, 2013


It has been a week ago since I announced the opportunity facing me and Radiate Church to print/publish my first book. It has been met with UNREAL support and kindness. I never imagined the response would be so quick and so great. Within 3 days we had about 10-15 people commit support! What an honor!

I am still about 7 people away from my goal. The project is well on it's way. It is getting some final proofreading and editing done, and the graphics department is already working on the book cover as well. It's all still fairly surreal to be honest. I just hit me the other day that God has blessed me tremendously before I even reach 30. I'll be 30 in July and I will have, in hand, a successful/growing church plant, great friends, a child, 10 years of youth ministry and my first book.

I'll be transparent with you...I don't deserve all of that. In fact, I don't deserve any of that. But for some reason, God has continuously smiled down and blessed me with opportunity after opportunity to make a difference for the Kingdom. I've come across some of the greatest people on the planet during my current 11 year ministry journey, and I would not change it for the world! I may not deserve it, but I sure am glad and blessed that God has chosen, for some reason, to give me chances in this life.

This year as Radiate Church focus' on rescuing unchurched people, and building the Kingdom, I want my life to represent that with great enthusiasm. That's my goal - my main goal - the point of my life!

If you would like to be one of the 8 people that is still needed to help make "Shift" (my book) a reality, I would greatly appreciate your participation in this project. In return you will receive a prayer from me and anyone that reads the book for your seed. You will also receive a signed copy of Shift!

God is unbelievably powerful, just, and great! I hope you've had the honor of experiencing that for yourself.

Friday, January 18, 2013

BIG Announcement

So for the past 12+ months my wife, myself, and a committed core of servant workers have dedicated everything we have into planting Radiate Church! God has blessed and is blessing greatly, and is opening the floodgates of blessing unlike any other...and yet again, God has opened a great door of opportunity!

About 2-3 years ago there was a word placed in my heart and I began to study the impact of it: "Perspective". The POWER of perspective to be more specific. My life has been dramatically changed and my faith has been incredibly heightened due to this message. I have preached it at Radiate, in fact it is at the core of many of my messages, many revival services, and youth camps. I have seen NUMEROUS lives changed. Romans 12:2 is the key to this message: "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."

Several of my friends encouraged me to sit down and write out my thoughts and findings on this topic, so I did. After about a year of writing it, studying it, living it, and preaching it, I sat down one day and sent it to several guys that I'm connected with and asked for some honest feedback and thoughts. At the encouragement of them, this idea and thought turned into a book. They encouraged me to send it to some people, get it looked over and work on it. I did, never thought anything at all about it, and just moved on.

Over the recent couple of months, I've had a renewed passion and movement on this and I got a word back from someone the other day. God has opened a door for me to print/publish my very first BOOK!!! Shift; Shift your thinking.Shift your faith.Shift your life.

It has been a lifelong dream and vision of mine to write a book that would inspire and encourage people to live their lives with Christ to the fullest, this is the BEGINNING of a lifelong dream/vision! Radiate - this is not an opportunity for ME, this is an opportunity for US!

In order to fulfill this I need some folks that believe in this and will help me. I need to raise about $2,500 in order to get everything going. I'm looking for 25 people to sow a $100 seed into this project in order to help us accomplish this part of our ministry. If you sow a $100 seed (already have 2 that are sowing), your name will be on our "Champions Page" in the book, where I will encourage readers to pray increase over your seed. You will also receive a free signed copy of the book as soon as it arrives. My goal is to have them delivered before June 2013!

Please join me in praying for this, sowing into this, and letting as many people as possible know! I truly hope you are as excited about this ministry endeavor as I am! I can't wait to see the impact from this!

 Here is a link where you can donate to this project:

I can't wait to journey this with you!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A long delay

First of all let me say that my absence from blogging has been fixed and I deeply apologize! I told myself I would do better at this last year, and I didn't, clearly. So, this year one of my goals in 2013 is to be a diligent blogger than offers thoughts, principles, ideas, and ways to grow as a Christian, a leader, a husband/wife, a follower of Jesus, a pastor, or church planter.

I have a HUGE announcement coming up on Friday that I will be announcing live on my blog that I am incredibly excited about! That will not be the END of my blogging, rather that will jump start everything all over again! So, I hope your new year has started off with a great bang, and God is moving greatly in your life! I pray blessing and prosperity in your finances, family, and your spirit! God bless you, and I WILL be talking to you again on Friday!