This is post 2 from Your Greatest Weapon based on Ephesians 6:10-18.
Last blog we looked at the belt of TRUTH. ( Find It Here! ) My goal in these posts is not to rehash something we've looked at and learned in Sunday School as kids, rather to give us all something to take home and utilize at home and at work.
Today let's check out: Breastplate of RIGHTEOUSNESS
So, we've already established that the 5 defensive pieces are set to defend us and help us hurt less as attacks and things are thrown our way. I'm sure you can picture this but I'm going to break it down anyway... A breastplate is a piece of armor that covers your chest and midsection, the front of your body. That way anything standing before you can be shielded from your heart.
Righteousness is defined as: 1. acting in accord with divine or moral law : free from guilt or sin. 2. morally right or justifiable (Merriam-Webster Dictionary Online)
So, looking at this literally, righteousness, or a lifestyle based on doing things and making decisions based on our convictions and beliefs that are right and justified, is not for people, but for the protection of our hearts! Think about it this way... good parents will try to keep their kids from doing things that may not make sense to them. As a kid my parents would ocassionally not allow me to attend a party a friend or schoolmate was throwing. At the time I didn't understand and would get upset, but now that I'm older I understand that they had more wisdom and saw into the situation more than I, thus keeping me out of a situation that could have pierced my heart.
Righteousness is not an a lifestyle or act of perfection, getting it right all the time, or even claiming "I'm better than you." Rather righteousness is set as a protection of our hearts - but can only be applied if we are willing to live the lifestyle that it takes. Some people tend to think that righteousness is never doing anything wrong. I would like to say that I believe righteousness is the act of making decisions that will guard our hearts and try to live my life according to my convictions and beliefs...NOT perfection, but righteousness!
So, today, understand something...when you feel a nudge to stay away from something, or if someone is warning you of something, it may be a hint of righteousness trying to sneak in and protect your heart from any frustration, piercing, or hurt. Your heart is a sensitive thing...I mean that is where Jesus chose to dwell...if your heart gets pierced, often times it's difficult to repair without some major surgery/recovery. (figuratively speaking)
Righteousness, or making the right decisions can be tough. Difficult. Frustration. Unpopular. But, it's necessary to do in order to live a life that is protecting the most sensitive area our lives.... our hearts!
In HIS Grip!
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