Introducing People To The Life God Intended

Brandon Goff. Lead Pastor of Radiate Church in Columbia, SC. Married to Megan, 2 kids - Brody and Kiley.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

5 Reasons NOT To Come To Christmas @ Radiate!

Regardless of popular opinion there are actually 5 reasons you DON'T want to come to Christmas @ Radiate Church this Saturday and Sunday! 

1. There will be family photo opportunities! 
And really, who wants a family photo... in a carriage... at Christmas... for free?
2. Frozen characters will be here for the kids! 
And seriously, haven't we all heard watched our kids freak out about Frozen enough over the past year?
3. Santa is visiting all 4 services! 
Really? Santa? At Christmas? Your kid doesn't need to see Santa and freak out about him visiting their church. Come on!
4. There is some awesome music planned!
Because NO ONE likes to hear GOOD/QUALITY Christmas music during the holidays!
5. You'll hear how your life actually means a lot!
Because, really, isn't it more fun to think our lives are meaningless?

BUT, if you insist on joining us for Christmas at Radiate we have 4 services to meet your busy schedule this weekend! Saturday @ 7pm and Sunday @ 8:30/10/11:30am - you can find more information at

See you there!

Friday, November 13, 2015

OCD Sweaters, Red Cups And What It Means To Me

Ok. So, I've been holding off on writing this for a while now. But, I just need to get it out, therefore I'll write it. 

Recently we've seen the events that have shaken our country. Everything from racism, to natural disasters, to a political competition that seems to be more focused on mocking and belittling competitors rather than adding solutions to problems. 

I try to keep up with the news and the "goings on" of the world. Yesterday as I was watching the news I saw a report about a new Christmas sweater that is the newest output of controversy... on the sweater it says "OCD: Obsessive Christmas Disorder". And there is literally a group of people that are getting together to ban the sales of the sweater due to "offense". All this on the coattails of a group of hypersensitive Christians that were offended because a SECULAR company isn't putting Christmas symbols on their Starbucks cups! (you know, because snowflakes and reindeer are the reason for the season after all.)

As I've grown increasingly frustrated with what seems to be the fact that we are a society that is offended by anything, yet feel as if we are owed everything - I've repeatedly thought on this verse. (I'm quoting from The Message Bible due to the ease of the wording.)
But he’s already made it plain how to live, what to do,
    what God is looking for in men and women.
It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor,
    be compassionate and loyal in your love,
And don’t take yourself too seriously—
    take God seriously.
Micah 6:8

I want to focus on this... "...And don't take yourself too seriously - take God seriously." It seems as if we have all began to take ourselves too seriously. Life isn't about us, it's about the God in us and helping others meet Him! When we get to a point where a CHRISTMAS SWEATER offends us, we are taking ourselves way too seriously. When we get to a place where a bumper sticker causes you to question your loyalties, we're taking ourselves too seriously. When we get to a place where a secular business acting like, well, a secular business offends us...we are taking ourselves too serious. 

It's not about me in this life! It's not about my wants. It's not about my desires. It's not about everyone discounting what they feel/want to appease me. As a follower of Jesus, honestly, it's more about me understanding where someone that isn't a follower is coming from more than them understanding where I'm coming from.

And let me answer your criticism. NO...I don't think you should back off of your stance, beliefs, values, convictions. But I do believe we need to stop being so freakin' offended! IT'S NOT ABOUT ME OR YOU! It's about Him! I believe the enemy knows we are hyper-sensitive. I believe the enemy knows that if he can get us so offended at everything that we will focus on that rather than the real goal that Jesus told us about... "...Love God, love others..." and basically - the rest will work itself out.

My goal in this post isn't to stir controversy but to encourage us all in one thing. Don't play offense so much. Enjoy life. Enjoy people. Enjoy Jesus. You're not bound by the things that offend you, you're freed by the grace that others crave! Let's go out and make a difference and let's be more known for what we are FOR rather than what we're against! Because what I'm for can take care of what I'm against!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Fast Five Recap: 11/8/15 - Creating A Legacy

Use the following Fast Five Recaps to post on your social media accounts and hashtag "#radiatechurch" and "#weareradiate"

1. Reproducing myself isn't about me but about the God in me!
2. My setback is God's setup!
3. We are all on the same page, with the same goal, declaring the same God!
4. In order to properly reproduce ourselves we must be willing to trust and invest openly!
5. The way I handle my situations are the way my kids (physical & spiritual) will handle theirs!

See you next Sunday for week 5 of We Are Radiate - "That's MY Job!"

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

3 Ways To Say You Matter

Chick - Fil-A. The epitome of customer service. There are many people and businesses that try to model their customer service techniques on a strategic and daily basis. Why are they so successful at this? Because they make each and every customer feel like they matter! Feel like they are the only ones on the planet in that moment that wants a lemonade, a sandwich, or some Polynesian sauce!

Everyone on the planet likes a compliment every now and then. They at least like to know that what they are doing matters in some way, shape, or form. What if we, individually, thought of ways to make sure people, each month, know that they matter? I believe this life would be completely different than it is now! Below are 3 quick ways to say You Matter to someone today.

1. Show them they matter!
I say this a lot... "It's one thing to tell someone about Jesus, it's something else to show them Jesus!" Do something unique for someone else. And by "unique" I don't necessarily mean something no one else has done, I mean something the they wouldn't expect. Bake cookies for a neighbor, ask a co-worker if you can pray for something for them...anything really!

2. Say "THANK YOU"!
When someone does something for you, or lets you know something... tell them THANK YOU! And add in "you really helped me out today." or something to the like. Why do you think Chick-Fil-A always says "My Pleasure"? It's because that phrase let's someone know that it wasn't a burden and it was APPRECIATED that you let them give you more tea! Say Thank You! It'll go a long way!

3. Tell Them They Matter!
We can do all kinds of things that could show someone, but sometimes people just need to hear the words "You Matter"! Make an agreement within yourself to tell at least 3 people in the next 24 hours that THEY MATTER! Your spouse, your kids, your co workers, your boss... who cares!

The reality is that everyone matters to us and to God. Let's do everything we can to help people walk in that truth!

Oh, and guess what... YOU MATTER!

Share your thoughts... what are some ways that you are letting people know they matter? Share them with us!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Fast Five: Message Recap 11/1/15

We Are Radiate
Week 3
"You & Me"

Here's a Fast Five recap of the 5 main points from Sunday's message! Post, share, make a graphic and put on instagram Get it out there! See you next Sunday...and don't come alone!

1. My love for you isn't determined by your ability to impress me!
2. My love must always speak louder than my frustrations!
3. Who you are is more important than what plagues you!
4. Being relational isn't about picking and choosing, it's about loving...regardless!
5. We weren't created to do life alone! We must connect to get the most out of our calling.
BONUS: This church isn't built on the talents of a few, but the sacrifices of many! 

Next Sunday: "That's MY Job" - Responsible

Monday, October 5, 2015

Making A Difference

Across the great state of South Carolina for the past 3 days it has gone from the beautiful state we know, to something out of a movie. A land that is ravished with water, floods, homes being swept downstream, lives lost, and families losing everything. They call it the 1000 years flood, I don't think any of us ever thought we would see this in 1000 years! But it's in these times that we, as followers of Jesus and lovers of people are called to be RESPONSIVE!

So... here's the plan for Radiate for the next few days.

1. We will pray!
We realize that it's great to be responsive, but impossible to change lives without prayer! Pray for families, pray for communities, pray for our state, and pray for the First Responders that are and will be risking their lives in order to save the lives of others!

2. We will be responsive!
Radiate Church (1955 Legrand Road Columbia) will begin taking donations of the following:
- Non-Perishable foods (canned goods, rice, noodles, etc.)
- New Bottled Water
- Finances (no this is not a money grab. This is a chance to give to a church that will make sure the resources will be used to purchase whatever the community needs. You can give at
To drop things off:
Since we do not know our full work schedule yet due to weather conditions you can drop things off at the front door, and we will get them. We are planning regular work hours beginning Wednesday, but with the road conditions consistently changing we feel this is the best way to just be consistent. When there are time changes for sure on this we will let you know ASAP!

3. We will continue moving forward!
If the Church (big "C") is supposed to be a beacon of light and a representation of it's community, then we can rest assured of this: If the Church stops moving forward so will the community! If the Church stops helping others, so will the community! We will be EXCITED to have church on Sunday! We will continue to prepare for our Revive Conference, we will continue preparing for Cover Columbia at the end of October, and we will continue to promote 1 - JESUS, 2 - RADIATE!

Thank you for all you do to serve our community! Should you need the church for any reason here is our contact information:
Phone: 803-810-9737

Thank you!

Monday, June 29, 2015

Fast Five Review: Are We There Yet week 2

Here's five "Tweetables" you can Facebook, Tweet, or Instagram to share the truth of Jesus with others!

1. Your past doesn't determine your future!

2. God can use where you've come from to build you for where you're going.

3. We have to let God do powerful things IN you before He will do powerful things THROUGH you!

4. You're never too much of anything for God to do something with!

5. Even when your faith feels low... remember you're still called

Share. Post. Invite.
See you Thursday @ 7 or Sunday @ 9:30 or 11:00

Saturday, June 27, 2015

God Wastes Nothing

As most of you know when I was 23 I was diagnosed with WPW (Wolfe-Parkinson White). A heart condition that creates extra pathways in your heart and can cause your heart to skip beats, speed up unannounced, and more. Most of the WPW cases are never diagnosed, because it's typically not too bad of a condition. But, of course, I'm not MOST people. Through a course of surgeries, being shocked on the table 3 times, heart kept beating through a catheter, my AV Node being blocked off, and spending a night in CCU, as well as a pacemaker being implanted... I gave my heart back to Jesus, in a hospital and invited Him to take me where He wanted. Ministry it was. (This is just a portion of my testimony)

I spent the next 5 years in youth ministry, watching God take me higher, change more lives, and increase my walk with Him in ways I could never have actually imagined. Then God called me to begin a church in Columbia, SC... Radiate Church. The church that is changing lives daily. The church that is shaking a city. The church that is growing leaps and bounds each every way possible. The church that doesn't care as much about "religious correctness" or "political correctness" as much as we do "loving God and others". The church that changed my life...and hundreds of others.

A few months ago I had to go back to my cardiologist due to some a-typical symptoms. After some tests and discussions... what I thought was "fixed" and "taken care of" for the past 8 years, had returned. I was informed I'd developed Cardiomyopathy (in easy terms: basically very early heart failure) due to my pacemaker pacing my heart 100% of the time. My blood flow rate in my heart had dropped, over the past few years, to right around 40%, the normal healthy person is right on 60%. I had experienced symptoms for a little over a year, and had just pushed through because I thought they were "just because I had a heart issue".

My energy level had dropped. My stamina was lessening. All while I was actually getting healthier in my life. After discussion it was determined everything could be reversed with a surgery, of a 3rd wire added to my heart muscle, and a new pacemaker/technology that will reverse it back to 60%, and "prolong my life". July 6 is the day that I pray that I will get back to normal. After a several week layout I'm told I'll be able to see a difference "quickly". Until then I have to "take it easy and relax" when I feel my heart and my energy level do something abnormal. Something that's difficult for me to do.

Here's why I write this (and it has NOTHING to do with you feeling sorry for me) - that recent diagnosis ran a gambit of emotions in me. Anger, fear, hurt, confusion, sadness, fear, death, uncertainty, and did I say fear? Why fear? You sit in a doctor's office at 31 years old, thinking your heart issues were controlled and hear that you have early heart failure. I have a growing church to lead, kids to love, a wife to adore, a family to make proud, and a vision to fulfill. I don't have time to "take it easy and relax", and I sure don't have time to be dealing with early heart failure!

Then God broke the emotions with a word... "No one knows how much time they have left. You don't know how much time you really have left. What are you going to do to make the most of what you know you have in front of you?" Reality check much? ABSOLUTELY!

As we argue about pieces of fabric we call flags. As we argue about the right to marry whomever we want. As we argue about denominational differences/beliefs and as we fight back and forth about whether or not we should drink alcohol to be saved... I've realized something - We don't have time for that!?

Now that I've offended you let me explain. In Matthew 28 Jesus gives a going away command. "Go into all the nations and make disciples. Baptizing them in the Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to obey all that I command." Now I don't know about you but I've heard/read that my entire life but it became real to me. Why? Because it doesn't tell me one thing about walking around and yelling at everyone until they agree with me. It tells me to make disciples - EVERYWHERE I GO! I make a disciple by investing in them and loving them - EVERYWHERE I GO! That means when I disagree or agree. When I like them and when I don't.

Baptize means to "submerge into" - so I am to SUBMERGE them into the love of the Father, the forgiveness of the Son, and the guidance/power of the Holy Spirit - EVERYWHERE I GO! And to teach them to obey all that He commands means that I show them what it looks like - EVERYWHERE I GO! And here's the kicker... none of what's going on in this world is a surprise to God.

Here's where I'm going. I don't know how much time I have left on this earth. I'm told that the surgery will prolong my life - I believe the doctors when they say that, but they aren't God. And reality check for you too... You don't know how much time you have left either! My concern isn't you agreeing with me or liking me anymore. My concern isn't fulfilling people's expectations or thoughts of me. My concern is one thing... LOVE PEOPLE TO JESUS AND LET HIM FIGURE OUT THE REST! I'm determined to SHAKE MY CITY by introducing as many as possible to the life God intended. If that offends you, you'll be ok I promise. But understand something... I love you! But more importantly, Jesus loves you - and because of that - we will ALL love Him and others EVERYWHERE we go!

And this is why I'm 100% certain... God never fastest a thing! He always takes what feels like the end for us, and makes it the beginning of something else! Join me... Let's shake this city and love people to Jesus!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Fast Five: Father's Day

Here's a recap of Sunday's Father's Day service with 5 quick "Tweetables". Enjoy/Share/Invite

1. Although on the outside things may look bad. At it's core everything is good! Because God made it that way!

2. Noah was chosen to be favored by God, because he decided to live his life according to God's desires!

3. Righteousness is the act of clearing everything through the cross; not being perfect!

4. Righteousness is an inward act of God. Blamelessness is the outward example of righteousness.

5. The only way future generations will be world shakers is for fathers to reverse the course and become favored!

Based on the message "Favored Fathers" in Genesis 6:8-10,18-19.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Fast Five: 6.7.15

Here's a Fast Five recap for the last message of the Psalm 23 series - Psalm 23:6. Share, enjoy, and share again!

1. Our response to God's goodness is to sit still in it, or to share it with others!

2. The job of the sheep is simple: Leave this place better than you found it!

3. "The good men do, lives after them." Sir Alfred Tennyson

4. To dwell in the house of the Lord is to accept the cross of Jesus, to love Him, and to love others!

5. Our job is to love people to Jesus, not condemn them to my way of thinking.

Update us on the challenges given at the end of each message. Remember:
1. What is something you can do in 7 days to leave this place better than we found it?
2. What is something you can do in 24 hours to leave this place better than we found it?
3. Who are 3 people you need to do everything you can to bring with you to church?

Share your stories at, use social media and use "#youmatter" or "#radiatechurch", or message the church on Facebook!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

3 Ways To Lead Differently

Leadership. It's a disease that infects and effects everyone around you. The deal is simple: you either become a leader or you don't. I wanted to take a few minutes and spell out 3 ways to be a more effective leader today, but before I do, let me begin with 3 things that leadership is NOT!

1. Leadership is NOT Authority!
That's right! If your leadership is dependent on the amount of authority you possess from a higher authority, you're not being a leader. You're being a dictator!
2. Leadership is NOT a Position!
If your leadership is dependent upon a position that you inhabit, you'll be taking a walk without a following very quickly. You can be a leader without a position!
3. Leadership is NOT Glamorous!
Most people look at successful leaders and have the misconception that it's glamorous! But what they don't see is the long hours, sleepless nights, stress attacks, and headaches caused by being a successful leader.

Now that we see what a leader is NOT, let's look at 3 ways we can lead differently and become better leaders...instantly!

1. Lead By Following.
Leading means you'll have people on your "teams" that are following you. They are following you to a destination that is scary, uncertain, and oftentimes makes others feel out of their comfort zone (or at least it should). The best way to lead someone to follow vision, is to show them how to follow vision. I've said it before and will say it again... you can NOT be a successful leader without being a selfless follower! And remember this, "More is caught than taught."
2. Lead With Humility
A humble leader is a confident/strong leader. Too many times we get caught up in the cycle of having to be the owner of the best ideas, the most successful risks, and the most impressive team members. Instead of taking the credit for that, give the credit to the ones that served their tails off for next to nothing to make it happen! Leading with humility means that you realize that nothing about who you are makes you special except 2 things: 1 - God, 2 - your team!
3. Lead By Delegation
This may seem counterproductive but this is one of the greatest keys to being a successful leader... DELEGATE! Don't give position without giving authority... in fact, I'd say don't give position UNTIL you've delegated authority. Ask your self a couple of questions: what is it that only I can do to further this organization? What is it that I'm weak at? Who is strong in the areas I'm weakest? How can I enable others to be most effective? If you can ask those questions and master them... you'll become a successful leader by allowing strong leaders to lead at what they are good at, while you lead/develop more leaders!
BONUS: Lead Through Celebration
Don't forget who's serving the vision with you! Andy Stanley, Lead Pastor of North Point Community Church in Atlanta Georgia says this: "What's celebrated is repeated." Celebrate what you want repeated, and don't pay attention to what shouldn't be repeated. Sure, you'll have to hold team members and other leaders accountable to things, but overall...spend more time celebrating your team than condemning them. Write thank you notes, buy them their favorite candy, schedule fun days, etc.

I hope these few points help you in leadership as much last they have and are helping me in my leadership endeavors! My job is to grow as a leader, because as I grow so grows the organization. Let's grow together... share some of your leadership ideas/concepts.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Fast Five - 5.31.15

Here's a Fast Five recap of this weekend's powerful message "Your Cup Runs Over"

1. You aren't on the same level as your enemies. Don't sit at the table, inhabit the table!

2. You become a product of your environment. Be careful of your environment!

3. Allow the Holy Spirit to become a continuous application in your life, He's a solvent that solves it all!

4. Just because you're bitter, cold, and "finished" doesn't mean God's finished with you!

5. God walks with you daily, and knows just when you need what you need. Your cup is running over!

Share! Post one a day. Whatever you want to do, share the promises in this!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Why Are We Doing Thursday Services?

Since my wife and I, along with a few others began Radiate Church 3 years ago, we've always believed God to do something HUGE! Large vision requires large risks with then results in God sized results. We've never thought Radiate Church would be a single location church, that worries about those within it's walls, stuck at 100-200 people. We've always seen a very large, multi-cultural, multi-generational, life-giving church that exists, promotes, and helps it's community! And we are doing everything we can, regardless of risk, to reach as many as possible and introduce them to the life God intended!

A month ago, during a Team Leader's meeting, we discussed how God has doubled the amount of people that we are introducing to the life God intended in 3 months. We discussed how God has provided us a phenomenal structure to facilitate ministry, and we discussed what we could do to continue to give God room to show off within us! We came to a conclusion... Sunday mornings on Thursday nights!

Here's why:
- During the summer many people take vacations from Friday-Sunday. We want to always give our families room to enjoy each other's company, lives, and memories, so give them a chance to go on vacation and NOT MISS CHURCH! Thursdays was the answer.

- We are within 40 minutes of 3 major hospitals, along with an orthopedic hospital just across the street. Many of their employees work on weekends therefore they can't attend Sunday services. Why not bring Sunday services to them! Thursdays was the answer.

- Why not do it on Wednesday? Around here many churches have Wednesday night service along with a myriad of kids opportunities. We wanted to do Sunday mornings instead of fighting the Wednesday night mindset, let's create a new night. Thursdays was the answer.

- We want to be consistently and actively introducing 400 people to the life God intended by the end of August. In order for us to chase that vision we had to create more room. Thursdays was the answer.

- We wanted to create a chance where people could get a quality encounter with Jesus during the week to be encouraged to live the life God intended. Thursdays was the answer.

You see, for every church there's different styles, risks, and decisions that must be made in order to grow into the vision God has given them. For us, our next step (not only do we ask you to take your next step, the church takes next steps as well), for the summer, is Thursdays. Because for us, introducing more and more people to the life God intended, means that Thursdays are the answer!

We kick of May 28 at 6pm with a cookout, service begins at 7pm and we have a special gift for everyone in attendance. It will continue every Thursday night at 7pm for June-July... Sunday morning on Thursday night. Are Thursdays your answer?

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Fast Five - Recap of Psalm 23:4

Here's a Fast Five for week 4 of our series, Psalm 23!

1. Just because you're walking right, doesn't mean it won't feel wrong sometimes.

2. When you begin to dwell in your darkness, it's no longer a walk, it's a destination.

3. The shadow in your life is proof of the existence of the light!

4. Valley's are the most fruitful moments of your life, don't miss the valley for the mountaintop.

5. Once Jesus gets you where you need to go, you'll pass under His rod and HE will make you better!

Share them. Enjoy them. Digest them!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

3 Things To Know Before You Grow

Everyone in life seeks to get get bigger and better at different areas of life. For some it's in their job, for some in their marriage, for others it's in sports. Whatever you have it set to get bigger and better at in life, I believe there are 3 things you need to know BEFORE you get bigger and better.

1. Some People Won't Like It
We've all been there. We were doing something, making decisions and acting on them and everything felt great! Everything was going smoothly until Negative Nancy steps up and becomes your first and loudest critic. In that moment it seemed as though everyone was suddenly against you. You began to question everything you were doing, why you were doing it, how you were doing it, and whether you should continue doing it. But, just 24 hours ago you KNEW you were doing everything correctly. What happened? You (or at last I have) expected everyone to like what you were doing, the growth you were encountering, and the decisions you were making. You have to understand that not everyone will like it when you begin growing and making decisions to get bigger and better. They don't get it, they are jealous, or some just straight don't understand. Either way remember the old saying "If you strive to please everyone, you'll please no one."Decide who you're trying to "please" and listen to them, everyone else... keep their thoughts at a distance.

2. It Takes Work
Michael Jordan was Lebron James before Lebron was born. Michael was the greatest basketball player on the planet, and in my opinion always will be. (that doesn't mean Lebron isn't equal or great too) But Michael didn't just wake up as the greatest player on the planet. Lebron didn't wake up with incredible skills on the basketball court. They both spent countless hours in gyms, driveways, friends houses shooting shots, learning their "sweet spots" for their shot, learning ball handling skills, and more. What happens a lot of times when we want to get bigger and better is most people want the reward without the work. The reward ALWAYS comes after the work! Don't look at the reward someone else is encountering and forget that somewhere along the line they have put in MUCH work, and are probably still putting in the work. That CEO that you work for that you get mad because he's playing golf today while you're working...He spent years upon years sitting in offices working while you were home with your family. Anything great that ever happened happened after work! What do you need to do to increase your personal capacity to handle/do more? What do you need to do to help your organization increase? What are you WILLING to do to make that happen?

3. Deception Is Deceptive
It's popular to think that if we fudge the numbers a little, make people think things are happening that aren't, or some other forms of deception that everything will turn around. In the church world we say "we're speaking it as if it were." - or you're just lying. Be real about where you are. I mean, really you can't get to where you want to go until you know where you currently are. When you allow deception to creep in to your thoughts of where you currently are, you're being distracted from how to get where you want to go. If you're not very good at something right now...that's ok! Own it! Change it! Or work on what you are good at - but stop deceiving yourself!

I believe within every one of us there are great things locked up (Ephesians 3:20), the key is doing our part to unlock it. Understanding these 3 things before you get there will help you when you do get there! It's helped me! What do you think?

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

8.5 Reasons Thursday Services Are Awesome!

Maybe you've heard, maybe you haven't... we are beginning services on Thursdays at 7pm on May 28! Below are 7.5 reasons you should join us on Thursdays this summer!

1. Everyone needs a vacation. And now you don't have to miss church too!

2. Sometimes you have to work on the weekends, now you don't have to miss church!

3. It's the same thing as Sunday morning, only on Thursdays!

4. Sometimes you just want to sleep late on a Sunday!

5. Everyone says "You're a little different" be different and go to church on Thursdays!

6. Livewire Teens will be meeting at the same time each Thursday! Now your entire family can enjoy church!

7. Radiate Kids is amazing, now they can get a mid-week fix!

8. Our kickoff service (May 28) we will have a cookout for everyone starting @ 6, and everyone that attends gets a free gift!

8.5. Because Jesus would! (BOOM!)

Invite someone to join you! Most of us don't like doing anything else alone, don't come to church alone! See you on May 28!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Fast Five - 5.17.15

Yesterday Pastor Chuck Barrineau from Durant, OK delivered an awesome message to us on Psalm 23:3! Here's 5 bite sized pieces for you to take away and use! Tweet these, Facebook them, share this post - get it moving around - you never know... it could change someone's life!

1. If you're having a bad day, it's ok, even King David had bad times!

2. Acknowledge your situation, but never lose sight of who can bring you through it!

3. Sometimes you need to tell the voices that aren't the shepherd's (God's) to SHUT UP!

4. You can't expect to effect a generation if you aren't willing to serve your generation's church!

5. Just because you've been "cast down" doesn't mean you're dead, it means God can pick you back up and help you walk again!

Have a great week!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Can't We All Just Get Along

Thousands of years ago the Church was birthed. You can read it's inception, it's birth, and it's rapid rise to fame and growth in the book of Acts, and the New Testament as a whole really. The Church was birthed out of the heart of God to move people into a deeper relationship with Himself and with others. It was also birthed out of the heart of God to reach people, serve people, and love people. I believe most Churches today have a heart to do all of those things. But, over the past year I've seen a pattern that's unbelievably disturbing, and it's not limited to a single church, denomination, or style; but it's also not grouped with all Churches. In fact, I don't necessarily know what seems to bring it about, but nevertheless, it's coming up more and more.

What am I talking about? The practice of discrediting, disparaging, discouraging, and the worst of all - judging the intentions of everyone in the church world that we don't look like, act like, or agree with.

I was reading a blog the other night that was discussing the concept of how worship in church isn't worship, rather it's "people up there singing songs, putting on a show with no act of worship..." - WHAT!? The writer also went on to write something along the lines of "...sure we say prayers, but we don't pray. We say words, but the heart of prayer is nowhere to be found." WHAT!? The sad part, it was embraced, encouraged, and even shared by many. And this writer isn't the only person to make statements such as these.

You can pretty much Google about any well known pastor out there and you'll find a plethora of articles undermining and discrediting any ministry these men have done. Shoot, just Google the contemporary style of worship today and you'll see statements eerily similar to those that the referenced article made. The sad part is it's not just limited to famous pastors/churches, but seemingly any church. I've heard the same things about the church I've been chosen (by God not man) to lead - Radiate Church.

Here's my problem... there's absolutely NO way to judge the intention of someone's prayers, someone's worship, or the heart in which someone presents a style of Church. Are there rotten apples in the bunch that fakes some of that? ABSOLUTELY! Are most of the apples in the bunch trying to reach people with the same heart and passion as what the early Church in the book of Acts did? ABSOLUTELY!

The Church has moved from loving people to judging their teammates! Luke 6:44 clearly states "each tree is recognized by it's own fruit..." - stop throwing everyone under the bus for a mistake or different style that you aren't that crazy about!

The way the Church as a whole is constantly at each others throats about stupid, meaningless stuff there's no wonder why 80% of Americans won't attend church anymore! Maybe if the church would spend more time working together than playing tug of war - we could work together to empty Hell and fill Heaven!

With that said, I'm also seeing more and more Churches gather together to impact their communities, their people, and this world. Churches that people love to bash, Newspring Church for instance, are banning together to help local Churches impact their communities better. In fact, Newspring Church has done more to help me personally, my church, and even my family that any church in the denomination I'm currently involved in. This isn't a bash on our denomination, this is a testament that sometimes, the very things we want to bash, are the greatest networking partners!

Let's do what the initial Church in Acts desired to do, work together to bring people closer to God and each other! Let's move Heaven closer to earth! We can do this! As for Radiate - we plan to do this WHILE HELPING, LOVING, PRAYING FOR, AND CONNECT WITH WITH OTHER CHURCHES! We believe in your church!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Confessions Of A People Pleasing Pastor

I struggle with being a people pleaser. Whew... I said it! That felt good.

Notice my wording. I didn't say I "AM" a people pleaser, I said I "struggle" with being one. Why is that important? Because I don't want to be anything that's not biblical, and being a people pleaser isn't biblical. The word "struggle" indicates that it's something I'm striving to get better at, I haven't accomplished it yet, but it's not "owning" me either! Let's talk.

Let me talk personally on this, and maybe that will make more sense for a lot of you. As a pastor, a lot of my time is spent working with people. (no I don't work FOR them, I work with them. We are accomplishing a vision that we partner in. I work FOR God.) I love people...I'm energized by people. Then it kicks in... someone comes in with a semi-complaint or concern. It doesn't have to be anything big. Shoot, sometimes it can be as small as "Pastor, I would love to talk to you sometime about something." Then my People Pleasing Parachute kicks in. Everything is slowed down, time slows, my joy, my excitement, my energy, my mood... it literally becomes a parachute; slowing down any forward progress.

My mind starts working overtime trying to figure out if they are upset, mad, frustrated, angry. What did I do? How can I fix it? I don't want them mad at me! Then, I turn to getting mad at them for something that I'm ASSUMING rather than KNOWING! And by the time we meet, or we hear the thoughts, I've worked myself into such a frantic pace that I'm apologizing before I know what for. And you know what... I refuse to do that anymore. And below is why...

Galatians 1:10, NLT: "Obviously, I'm not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ's servant."

Being a people pleaser is NOT biblical! Here's why I believe Paul wrote those poignant and powerful words - being a people pleaser will turn you into a personal hater. Your mind will start spinning, running in 100 different directions, and will cause you to hate yourself as you wonder what you did and do wrong all the time and why people can't seem to like you. Here's some things I've learned as I refuse to be a people pleaser:
1. My Value Isn't Determined By Others, But By Jesus.
Naturally, as humans, we want to please those that give us the most value in our lives. When I lose sight of where my value stems from I try to please the wrong people. I want to people the man that died for me... that is where my worth is found!
2. My Church Isn't My Church, Nor Is It Theirs.
As I lead Radiate Church, as we push to grow and make bigger waves of impact I'm reminded of this - this is NOT my church. Nor is it the people that attend Radiate! Jesus paid for the Church when He sacrificed on the cross, and emptied the tomb. He then equipped His disciples to establish the institution/organization of the Church is power and purpose. I'm simply helping Him fulfill His vision for the Church (big "C")!
3. My Family Doesn't Deserve To Suffer Because Of My Struggles.
It's true that we take out our frustrations and hurts on those closes to us. Our families don't deserve to suffer because we think everyone is out to get us. My kids didn't deserve an "ill" father, and my wife didn't deserve a "drained" husband, just because I think someone is upset with me. They deserve my best - better than anything I could give anyone else!
4. I'm Can't Serve Him When I'm Consumed With Them.
Sure, we love and worship Him by loving others... but it's not about loving people, it's about being consumed by them. I can't fully serve Jesus when I'm fully consumed by others. I have to be first consumed by Him and then serve others! Being a people pleaser gets that mixed up.
5. Leadership Means Some People Won't Like Your Decisions.
If you're going to be in leadership of any form get used to this - SOME PEOPLE WILL BE UPSET WITH YOU! It's leadership, it's natural... GET OVER IT! The quicker I learn that no matter what I do, I will never be able to please everyone, the quicker I can lead toward the vision God has for us!

So, here's the point: take condolence in the fact that you aren't alone in your struggle to be a people pleaser. Don't beat yourself up, but don't give in either. Most of us struggle with this to an extent, but remember where your worth is! Remember where your heart belongs. Remember who deserves your best! Follow God and you'll never get lost!

Until next week...

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

We're Becoming Cannibals

For most of us, just seeing the word "Cannibal" brings up thoughts of disgust, nasty, or maybe even zombies. Some of you automatically start replaying scenes from The Walking Dead. But, as nasty and  disgusting as most of us seem to think it is, a lot of times we are actually becoming cannibals, and we don't even realize it.

Over the past few years as I've endeavored to grow in my leadership and pastoring qualities, I've exposed myself to guys, and girls in some situations, that are leading way higher and better than me. And many times after learning from them, joining a coaching group with them, or just hanging out and learning from them, I'll read a blog or hear a friend talking about what they've done wrong. "Did you hear what they did last week?" "Can you believe they said that?" "That's not the way I believe it should be done!" - and each and every time I get more and more angry with the comments. Here's why - cannibalism disgusts me, therefore I don't want to be around it

It seems more and more, however, that "Christians" (yes that's in quotations on purpose), "Pastors", and "Leaders" are turning to the art of eating their own at the reward of seemingly having it all together. Let's get this out of the way: I'm not saying in the least that authority, leaders, or pastors shouldn't be held accountable for what they do. In fact I think accountability can be on of the greatest differences of success or demise. Without accountability our iron never gets sharpened (Proverbs 27:17). And to be honest, accountability RARELY happens outside of relationship - simply because the heart of the person can't be known. But there comes a point when we've gone beyond disagreeing with someone and moved into enjoying it - moving into "sadism" (enjoying to act of dishing pain) or "masochism" (enjoying pain yourself.).

Here's the damages I believe is being done to the Body of Christ (The Church) through Christian Cannibalism:
1. We Think We're Perfect:
When we spend so much time dissecting what others have and are doing wrong, we forget what we have and are doing wrong. I believe when The Bible begins talking about taking the speck out of our own eye, what's being said isn't that we should look at the problem in the other person's eye. It's that we shouldn't focus so much on their problem that we forget our own problem. We are all imperfect people trying to serve a perfect Father...and we all need grace to do that. (at least I do)

2.  People Can't Trust Us:
Let's use some logic for a second. If I'm dogging someone out for their mistakes, why would anyone else trust me with their mistakes? They KNOW that I would then begin writing a blog, gossiping, or judging them based on their struggles. I don't know about you but I don't want all of my struggles blasted all over the place. There are few people in my life that know my struggles in life, and that's not because I'm overly ashamed, they are major, or will cause detriment, but it's because I can't trust just anyone to help me through them. People don't need another gossip king/queen, people need a hand to hold and shoulder to lean on!

3.  Those Who Are Scare Of Church Are Justified:
If the Church, as Christ established and founded in Acts, is to be The Church as it should be then people shouldn't be scared of the Church. And you know what? Those that are scared of the Church, the Church People, and the Church Leadership - I don't blame them when things like this are consistently happening. It's not fair to ask them to give Church a chance to lead them to wholeness, life, and restoration when we are talking about people - all the while condemning them to a shattered life, death, and unforgiveness. Why would the "unchurched" want to walk into our churches? Church should be a place of Hope, not hostility!

Here's my point... it's time that some people begin to step up and display the grace that we demand. We begin to offer the love that we want offered; and we begin to forgive in the manner that we wish we were forgiven. Because I know this - Luke 6:37 says it pretty plainly - "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven." - Everything is cyclical... we WILL reap what we sow, in every facet of life.

I want to start a movement where we refuse to speak negatively about another ministry/pastor. Where we love people past their struggles. Where we understand people mess up, and so do I... so let's walk in holiness together. Where no longer do we eat our own, rather we become people that encourage, accept, and enjoy the LIFE in others!

Forgiveness, love, and grace aren't excuses to live life to the Sinfulness... nah, it's the hope that we can love people to the Life God Intended... and that's to live life to the fullest. So, let's stop being cannibals... let's begin to offer life, rather than try to take it! Because Jesus has way more in store for us than we could EVER imagine possible! Let's LIVE!