Introducing People To The Life God Intended

Brandon Goff. Lead Pastor of Radiate Church in Columbia, SC. Married to Megan, 2 kids - Brody and Kiley.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Taming Your Response

Sometimes I'll blog once a week, sometimes more. This week it will be more, obviously! Thanks for checking in.

I'm not the most emotionally respectful person in the world. What do I mean by that? I can't read emotions very well, therefore, someone could be upset about something and I don't seem to be very sympathetic. It's not on purpose, and often I'll go back and apologize if my response came off a different way...I'm just a pretty cut and dry, straightforward person. That's just me. Often my wife will ask me a question, and my response will be with an "attitude" or with "defense". And that may not be how I mean it, but that's how it's taken - and how it's taken is how it effects someone else.

I've come to learn through my journey in ministry and life, as I get better at this emotion and sympathetic thing that Reaction determines destination. They way you react to something determines your destination, destination being that final place that you arrive to. Your destination is your final response, the way the other person feels, the way the other person walks away seeing you. And I'll be honest, there have been times in my life where I have reacted in such a way that my final destination wasn't my original destination.

There will be a time in your journey, whether it be life, ministry, relationship, etc., that your reaction will take you to a destination you didn't originally desire - either for the better or the worse. I've learned a valuable lesson, that I had better be careful with my reactions - and whom my reactions are directed to. My reaction could change someone else's perception of someone/something, which would then cause dishonor. And we all know the power of honor. Jesus was the ultimate example of reaction.

When Jesus was being accused by Pilate in front of everyone, Pilate asked Him if He had any response. The Bible says Jesus did not say a word! The perfect man, that was there simply to save souls and make a difference in this wretched and sick world, was being accused falsely of all kinds of indescribable sins - yet He did not say a word! He remained eerily silent. Why? Because He did not want His response to take Him to any destination other than His original.

I love Facebook, Twitter, and all social media. Sometimes, I admit, I'm on them a little too much. But, one common theme I see today that bothers me is this: People don't use those forums as opportunities to communicate with friends, or a chance to learn (Twitter is the ultimate leadership conference!), they are being used as sounding boards of frustration and irritation instead. I don't want to log onto my site and see negativity and frustration flooding my sight simply because you had a bad day, or someone approached you about something you didn't like. Newsflash: You won't always agree!

Leader, pastor, friend...make sure your responses are correct, in line with the Word, and are taking you to your ultimate destination. Because if they aren't, you're getting off course. Your destination determines your directions. Let your reactions/responses glorify God, honor others, and love yourself!

I'm praying over you today!


  1. Thanks Pastor Brandon. Great word that I really needed to hear this morning!

  2. Very well put! Keep letting the Lord use you!
