Introducing People To The Life God Intended
Monday, November 21, 2011
Sermon On The Mount part 2
I think it's great to see that the first part of the sermon is a list of "Blessed's"... I've consistently seen this in my life as a series of suggestions to help make things better, and live a good life. Maybe a way to make God smile sometimes. But don't you think it's interesting that "Blessed" is used so much? For instance - the first one is "Blessed are the poor in spirit..." - RIIIGGGHHHTTTT! Because I'm so blessed when I'm poor. (I intend to break each one down in a future post) But, I ran across something interesting in Acts 3... Look at this -
Acts 3:26 "For you first, God raised up His Servant and sent Him to bless you by turning every one of you from your wicked ways." (NASB, emphasis mine)
Am I the only one that sees a major correlation here between Matthew 5:3-12 with the Beattitudes and Acts 3:26 in this specific breakdown of Jesus being sent? I mean let's logically think about this:
- In Matthew JESUS begins to explain a bunch of blessings and why you are blessed in those senses. Don't we all want to be blessed? Isn't a blessing something to build our faith and our trust? Isn't a blessing a way God so proudly gives to us? So, Jesus starts out by outlining blessings...
- In Acts it is described one of the incredible reasons for the sacrifice of Jesus Himself. "...TO BLESS YOU..."
Here's the point: JESUS IS THE BLESSING! Therefore, what Jesus was doing was describing characteristics of Himself, that you can see throughout scripture! HOW POWERFUL IS THAT!?
He was teaching His disciples about His character... when we just thought He was giving guidelines/suggestions, He was actually giving us all an opportunity to see into His character by understanding that HE IS BLESSING! Everything about a blessing is encompassed within the very nature of Jesus!
Why is that important? As we read and take the Beattitudes to become practices in our lives - we are taking the ways of BLESSING or JESUS, and becoming even more like Him. This, yet again, shows us the great opportunities and open doors to love a perfect God!
Oh, how I love the chances to love God that is afforded to me. Although I do not deserve them, I am given the chance nonetheless, and for that - I am eternally grateful! Thank you for allowing me to endulge in the very character of the blessing itself - Jesus Christ!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
:1-2 > "When Jesus saw the crowds, He went up on the mountain; and after He sat down His disciples came to Him. He opened His mouth and began to teach them, saying..."
- I find it interesting here that Jesus sits down, and begins a "sermon" and was seemingly speaking to His 12 disciples, NOT the multitude of a crowd. When we hear the word "sermon" most times we think of a message going out to a multitude of people, at least I think of that automatically. But, in all reality this sermon was not meant to reach to a multitude or a crowd, that was approaching - in fact, trying to visualize this, it seems as if Jesus was getting away from the crowd somewhat with His 12 friends.
- As ministers, which we all are in our own way, we cannot focus so much on being heard by many that we forget to be listened to by some. Jesus wanted His words to mean something, to carry weight, to have promise, purpose, and power behind each one. Therefore, He didn't carefully craft his "sermon" to be heard and enjoyed by many... but he carefully chose His words to be listened to by 12. What's the difference? To be heard, is just that, you are heard. Your voice is heard and recognized, but the words aren't carrying must weight or power. When you are listened to your words matter, they are taken to heart, considered, prayed over, and utilized. Now I don't think there is anything at all wrong with preaching to many - in fact, i will be soon... but I think Jesus was not just "teaching" his disciples, rather He was mentoring His disciples!
- Your congregation, whether it be in a church, work, friendship circles, will hear your voice and message... but hang on to those that LISTEN to your words/message. Go to a mountaintop with them, away from the crowd, and help them understand a deeper meaning behind what you are actually saying!
My next post will be "Why are the Beatitudes so important?" - check out Acts 3:26 - it gives a good glimpse into the importance of all the "Blessed's"!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
There was a woman that was talking about talking to a student that she had been teaching Biblical truth to and this student brought up a tough topic and she needed help with: homosexuality/lesbianism. This student was dabbling in the lifestyle of lesbianism, and she needed to talk. The woman talked a little with this girl, and by most accounts (in my opinion) she followed protocol pretty well. But she made a statement that struck me the wrong way. " was difficult to talk to her about it because no one wants to breach that subject and I surely didn't..." (this is not exact, but it's pretty close) Now, I can understand the innocence of this comment, but the thing that really struck me was this: others in the room (many of which included pastors) agreed! Why is that difficult for me to grasp? Because they were agreeing to the fact that no one should breach the subject of homosexuality, and the reality that it was discussed that even if we are asked, we should not approach it in a group while participating in the ministry. (Now the ministry is a DYNAMIC ministry, and it should not be discounted because of this.)
Again, I understand and realize the innocence and professionalism in which they were trying to approach the subject... but I found myself getting angry in a sense. Why? Because when are we, as believers of Christ, going to become BOLD again!? I'm not against homosexuals and I don't dislike or hate lesbians. In fact I know people that live these lifestyles, and you know what? I would hang out with them any time the opportunity came available. So, please do not take this as bashing homosexuals or lesbians, but I do take this opportunity to respect/understand Biblical TRUTH! The reality is simple: this lifestyle is wrong and sinful. It doesn't matter how you look at it, and it doesn't matter how you try to spin it - the lifestyle is wrong and sinful. (Leviticus 20:13, Leviticus 18:22, 1 Corinthians 6:9 to name a few)
Again, I love the person; but make no mistake about it - I hate the sin! Now, again, don't be deceived I do wrong, and mess up... and if I continue to live in that sin with the knowledge of the wrong, I'm sinning against the will of God - despite my knowledge and there will be judgement as long as I live in that sin! (Hebrews 10:26-27) But God desires for us to be the best person we can be: encompassed with His love, guidance, power, and grace! There is an incredible reason you were created and He wants to see you successfully complete that reason with Him. But, here's my big hang up today: WHERE IS THE BOLDNESS!?
Acts 28:31 talks about Paul arriving at Rome and declaring the TRUTH of the Gospel with BOLDNESS. 2 Corinthians 3:12 talks about having the HOPE of Jesus Christ we are to be very bold! People here's the reality - where is the boldness of the Spirit that we claim we can attain? When the Spirit of God come and graced the 12 disciples, the boldness in which Peter spoke to those many people was incredible. The power in which the disciples walked the earth after that moment was to be envied. The boldness in which Billy Graham was committed to traveling the world spreading the gospel and the boldness of Martin Luther has been forgotten, and dare I say not desired.
Why are we afraid to speak the TRUTH of the Gospel. As I said in the earlier paragraphs we are followers of Christ. As I recall John 14:6 declares that Jesus is "...the way, and the TRUTH, and the life..." (emphasis mine) So again, I ask: where is the boldness in church? School? Life? Religion? Is it hiding under the bed, afraid of what may await? Is your boldness hiding in the closet afraid of the judgement it may receive? Or is your boldness hiding deep within your thoughts afraid to come out because it may cause question of my "reputation"? Wherever your boldness is - find it... coax it out of it's corner and hiding place... and help your boldness to understand that in order to believe in Christ is to stand for TRUTH... and allow your boldness to show off it's muscles, and don't be afraid... just make sure your boldness is biblically based and not opinion driven.
Will you join me in becoming bold for my truthful God?
I want to reiterate: this blog is not to demean or undermind the ministry in which I was referencing, nor the people that made this statement. Nor is this blog to "hate" on homosexuals/lesbians... this blog is simply for the topic of boldness. Yes, it does present my Biblical viewpoint and understanding of the alternate lifestyle... but I love the person that may be encompassed in that lifestyle!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Relentless Mercy
Today I was doing my daily study and it is taking me through Nehemiah again - for the 1000th time! I LOVE NEHEMIAH! But I ran across something that I've read 20-30 times before, I'm sure, and it never quite made sense like it did today. (funny how that happens isn't it?)
In Nehemiah 9 you see where Israel began declaring their past failures/sins. You see the stories of ancestors putting God on the "back burner" and not worrying much about following Him. I began to see an overlying theme in verses 27-31. A principle that is such a powerful thing, yet such an incomprehendable concept.
God stuck beside them, even when they didn't want Him to. See they were using God as a security blanket. They used Him simply as something that would comfort when needed, help when called upon, and restore when asked. He was simply someone that was bigger than they were, and was able to be used when they felt the need. (as we know God doesn't command this type of love for Him... he commands a sacrificial love that requires Him to be above all else.)
Nehemiah 9:31 is where it hit me hard: "Nevertheless, in Your great compassion You did not make an end of them or forsake them, for You are a gracious and compassionate God." (emphasis mine)
Wow... The emphasis added part... I began to think about how I relate to the Israelites in this part, and the other tribes represented. How often do I take advantage of God? How often is He a security blanket to me? When do I sacrifice for Him? I mean REALLY sacrifice!? And to think of the words of Jeremiah - "you did not make an end of them or forsake them." wow!
Why in the world do I deserve for Him to stick with me? I don't... it's his creation that does! I personally don't deserve it... it's the fact that He's perfect, and I'm created in His image - which means that there is greatness and goodness locked up deep down inside of me. And because of that - He doesn't make an end of me! For that matter, if you're reading this - there's a reason He hasn't made an end of you too!
Because YOU MATTER! Think about it.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
The Life God intended: Salvation/Success
The mission statement of Radiate Church is: "Introducing People To The Life God Intended"... so what in the world does that mean?
God intended HIS children, His people to live a life that matters. John 10:10 "...I came to give life, and give it to the full." How powerful. This holds many truths and promises that we can't even comprehend.
It is our mission to introduce people to the full life of Salvation! Your life will never be as full as it should/could be without the salvation of Jesus Christ, and the forgiveness of God. God looked into your future, saw a messed up, screwed up past, and decided that Jesus could and would take it all for you. Why? So that you would have the opportunity to be with Him... for eternity! It's a simple concept that's extremely difficult to grasp.
Your life won't be lived to the fullest until you have received salvation. Once salvation is a reality to you - a life that is lived as God intended is a life of success. Colossians 3:23 says to do everything as if you are doing it for God and not men. God demands, and expects success. NOTHING about God is a failure. NOTHING of God is an accident. NOTHING that concerns God can fall short. NOTHING with God is impossible! Your job, your family, your finances, your hobbies, your church...anything that involves God will succeed! What does that success look like? I have no idea? For Moses, it was leading the Israelites out of the wilderness. For Noah it was finishing the ark and saving animals. For Nehemiah it was finishing a wall and rebuilding a city. For Paul it was completing missionary journeys and seeing people come to know God. I have no idea what success looks like for you, but I do know this... With God success is inevitable.
Well then why haven't I been promoted? Why can't I get ahead in my finances? Why are my children disobedient? Simple question: Is GOD at the forefront of it all, or are you and man? What GOD touches does not fail! People have freedom of choice, and some will go against what God leads, but YOU will be taken care of... you will succeed. Why? God promises provision/protection/help... IF you are seeking/serving/loving Him and not man! It's all a matter of the heart.
Again, you will hear more on October 16... however, my next blog will finish up this mission statement and will contain instruction on: Excess, and Loving Others!
(leave us a comment and let's hear from you!)
Friday, September 30, 2011
First Bible Study!
Sunday, October 16
Killian Park (Off of Killian Road just off I-77)
1424 Marthan Road Blythewood, SC 29016
We want any and everyone to attend this meeting! Learn about Radiate Church... Why YOU belong there... HOW you belong there... and let's grow together!
This will set off a series of blogs over the next week that will let you know a little of the vision for Radiate Church.
Trust me guys, you DO NOT want to miss this... this is the beginning of something HUGE in the Kingdom. Email me at: for more information!
Can't wait to see you with us on October 16!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 discusses and drives home the point that for everything within the earth, and for everything God created, there is a season. Seasons are interesting... the weather is different in a season, the growth rate is different, and the reactions to each is different. Plainly put, seasons bring about difference.
God has given me the ability and calling to see things a little differently than just a typical ministry mindset. For years I have dreamed and envisioned huge things. 2 years ago, when God brought my steps in line with Ebenezer PH Church in West Columbia, SC I felt a big picture being painted. Pastor Gene felt the same. To me, ministry is much bigger than announcements, music, preaching, go home and do it all again in 7 days. I believe we are to get fueled up on Sundays and then live the church the other 6 days.
With all of that being said, God has shown Megan and I a new season. I have dreamed for years about planting a church and beginning a new, different ministry. Megan has not always seen the same things I have - which is totally understandable. However, over the past months God has brought her vision for ministry/life into the same alignment as my vision for ministry/life. So, therefore, with that we spent A LOT of time in prayer, worship, and discussion. And feel as if God has led our season to a certain place that will consist of a lot of work and a longer season.
God has chosen to release us to begin a brand new church plant in the Northeast Columbia area - most notably Killian Road/Blythewood. We have HUGE plans/vision for this great ministry. These are things that we believe are not man-made, however, God-breathed. We have been spoken over by MANY people, some that know us some that do not, that we are making a very wise decision and God is going to bless this. This step of faith is met with a mix of emotions.
1- Excitement! : We cannot wait to begin this tremendous kingdom work. It will not be easy, and it probably won't be a matter of a year to see great results, but we truly believe God is going to bless this work! We cannot wait to begin the beginning phase of small groups within the community. We cannot wait to begin our first service. And we cannot wait to equip people to love God and live God! We are so honored, and so pumped for this chance. The church will be contemporary, modern in every way. We will target 20-40 year old young couples, but the church, we believe, will appeal to others as well!
2- Sadness: we are sad to leave our current church/ministry family. We love Ebenezer and the people that are here. They are our family now! We appreciate their hearts and the support in which they have received this news and spoken life into this! I will continue to serve full time through the end of my contract with Ebenezer, and I will love every second of it!
3- Nervous: this is a GIANT step of faith. I'm talking - stepping out of the boat to walk on water faith. We have approximately $100k to raise within our first year of existence, and preferably before our first launch service! (If you would like to contribute contact me!) But we KNOW this is God's plan for our life, and season for our ministry and we cannot wait to see what He has in store.
What can you do? PRAY, JOIN, INVEST... 1- PRAY FOR US! We need your prayers. We are seeking to raise $100k within our first year, and we are praying for God to send us people, and workers, but we are more than anything praying that God will anoint us to make a difference in this generation with the Kingdom! 2- JOIN US! We begin our small groups phase on October 16. I will give you a time and location soon, but pray about joining. If you are interested you may contact me at: 3- INVEST. What you invest in you believe in. What you believe in you benefit from! If you feel a need to help us reach our $100k goal please do so. Again, you may contact me for more information!
In closing, you will be kept up to date through the blog, our Facebook group (, and our Twitter (@RadiateChurch) account of updates. The church will be called: Radiate Church - "Loving God and Radiating It" Psalm 34:5. If you would like more information, you may contact me at: as well. I will fill you in on vision and goals as deemed appropriate, but just know - God has HUGE things in store for this ministry... things that make me cringe sometimes, honestly... but if I could do it alone, why would I need God?
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Now, we all know that the final judgement is given by God Himself. We will be judged upon desire, dedication, love, and commitment to Him.But, what about judgement today and with others.
"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." (Matthew 7:1-2, NIV)
Well, well, well... there you go! Don't judge! Isn't that what Matthew just said, and we know that Matthew was writing under the unction of the Holy Spirit which inspires and reveals to us the thoughts and mind of God Himself. Oh, but wait...
"By their fruits you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit." (Matthew 7:16-18, NIV)
Here's what we have: we have one portion of scripture telling us NOT to judge, and then another portion of scripture saying we will be recognized by what we do. Here's what I think on the act of judging based up these portions of scripture.
1- We cannot judge spiritual matters.
As "professionals" on loving God, a lot of times we like to think we tell how much someone loves God by how much they attend church, how passionately they worship, or how fervently they seem to pray. And for us Pentecostals, how loud we are when we say "Amen!" (haha) We seem to think we can tell if they really love God whether or not they dress, talk, present themselves a certain way. The reality is this: We have no idea what someone's heart, spirit, and relationship with God looks like! NO IDEA! They could be new to the whole Christian scene, and may just be learning. Maybe their style is totally different from yours. (notice: I said "different", not "wrong".) No matter what happens, if someone says they love God - we MUST take their word for it, because we have no clue! Because if we judge their hearts based upon our own precedences, then we shall also be judged upon those same criteria... and chances are - we wouldn't pass our own critique either!
2 - We can recognize you by your fruit.
Fruit. It's the product of the very nature of a tree. An apple comes from an apple tree because, well, it's an apple tree! I may not be able to judge your heart, but I certainly can recognize good fruit or bad fruit! YOU are defined by your fruit. If you don't want people to think, say, or recognize you in a negative way - don't feed people bad fruit! If you want people to see you as someone with great potential, incredible love, and great passion - serve good fruit! See the deal is simple: when people get mad about someone "judging" them, it's usually someone that passes their judgement upon the fruit they were just served. If I'm served a lemon, I make a face...why? It's sour and I don't like lemons. To me, lemons are bad fruit and I react to the serving of them. Don't justify your actions based upon "judgement"... simply understand that every decision, every action, and every thought creates a fruit! The question isn't "is someone judging me", the question should be "what kind of fruit am I serving?"
3 - Build a correction relationship.
If you have not earned a voice into my life, then you have not invested in my life enough to correct my actions! Plain and simple. There are a lot of loud mouths out there that love to correct others actions, simply because they love drama. Don't listen to that. I would take some merit in the fact that obviously I served them bad fruit. Is it legitimately bad fruit, or is it just a fruit they didn't prefer? (refer back to my lemon illustration) There IS, however, an exception. There are people I may never meet that have never personally invested in my life... but because of their God given authority, revelation, and position - I will listen. The Bishop of the IPHC - I have NEVER had him take me to a restaurant to pour into my life. But, if he were to correct some of my decisions, I would listen. Why? Because of who he is! I trust him, God trusts him, and my life should be corrected by proven men of God!
So what am I saying? It's simple really: 1- Quit justifying your actions based upon others "judging" you. 2- No one knows your heart but you and God. And those that you reveal those intimate details to. 3- I have to eat/see the fruits you serve. You decide if they are good or bad. 4- Listen to people that invest in your life, and listen well! Surround yourself with people that will direct your life according to the Bible, and God...and listen well!
I hope this clears up some of the "judgement" things. I'm not "judging" you, I'm recognizing fruits. BIG difference! Just because I don't like your fruit, doesn't mean you don't love God, and I don't love simply means that if I do love God, I will do my best to make sure my fruits do line up with God.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
"If you want to be the biggest Ford dealer in town, you don't build another lot, you build a town!"
Wow! Think about the truth of this. What the commercial was essentially teaching - without even knowing it - was the importance of VISION!
A lot of times we prepare for where we are, while thinking of where we want to be. When in all reality, we should prepare for where we COULD be, and think of where we were! As a pastor, it's easy not to prepare for the next place in the vision. It's easy to get so consumed with where I am, that where I'm going is overlooked. For the sake of humanity I'm glad Noah didn't think about this.
In one of the oldest stories in the Bible, we see vision portrayed. Noah was told something by God, and instead of not preparing for the next area of his life and ministry, he prepared... even when it made no sense. When others couldn't comprehend or grasp, he had to prepare. Why? His vision exceeded his current state.
Why in the ministry do we often cease to prepare for what we're striving for, and we instead make comfortable where we are. Being comfortable wasn't in the cards when God called us. Here's the 3 things I believe we, as visionaries, must do:
1. Figure Out Your Vision: Proverbs 29:18 Stop being close minded, and comfortable. Find your place. Find your belonging. What is YOUR purpose? Don't live off the ideas and concepts of others pastors, ministers, or family members. Allow your vision to be unique, specific, and personal. The only way to do that is to get serious about seeking God's face!
2. Commit To Your Vision: Don't compromise! Compromise is easily justified. I don't care how much money someone will give you, or the support they will offer... Your vision was ENTRUSTED to YOU! Stick with it - be confident in it, and commit to it! People will have a problem and a misunderstanding with your vision - but don't give up on it.
3. Prepare For The Vision: If your vision, as a pastor, is to grow your church numerically or spiritually. (and if it's not what is your vision?) My question would be - what are you doing to prepare for the vision? If you have a vision to build a new church building - what are you doing to prepare for that?
God will not bless laziness. If we have sought God for our vision and our purpose, do not hesitate or become lazy in that. Let Him move in your life, and begin TODAY to be prepared!
Just some thoughts from a fellow pastor...
Friday, July 22, 2011
Change of Perspective
I was reading an amazing post on Facebook earlier by my friend Eric Mackey (look it up, AMAZING!) - and he referenced the mindset conundrum as well. See, there's a reason that in Matthew 22:37 Jesus tells us to love the Lord with all of our heart, soul, and MIND. Mind wasn't in there by mistake. There's also a reason that Romans 12:2 is included in scripture. (well, i guess there's a reason all scriptures are in there, but you get what i'm saying)
See mindsets hold us back, or launch us forward. Your mindset is the key to your relationship with Christ, and your acceptance of victory. Your mindset can either keep you in the same quicksand of trials/tribulations of your life, or it can help you find the victory in the midst of the battle.
Jesus spoke directly to mindsets numerous times. Many times when healing someone, He would ask them WHY they wanted to be healed. Why would He ask that? Because He was speaking directly to their mindsets. He knew why they wanted to be healed, and He knew they REALLY wanted to be touched or else they wouldn't come. But He had to get THEM to see their reasoning. He wanted them to understand the benefits of their healing. He wanted the woman with the issue of blood to see that it was her FAITH that healed her. He was renewing her mind, so she could be radically transformed.
Renewing something means to make it new...again! To transform something is to change it - in a radical way. For so long, growing up in church - I was under the impression that all I had to do was go to the altar, pray about it, ask Christ into my life and everything was all good. I had to follow the "rules" and accept the "ways" of life - never to change my way of thinking/realizing things. I believe the reason so many people are still in the same crap they were in before coming to Christ, is because their minds were never made NEW again, and their lives, consequently, could never be radically changed!
As I write this I think of the relearning and transforming of my life over the past 1-2 years. I think of the renewing that has had to take place, including my religious teachings. And to be honest - I'm not necessarily smarter than I was - I'm just radically different than I was. And my MIND is beginning to follow my heart and my soul in loving God... and isn't THAT what will change me... and the world?
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
I also remember as a kid the popular television show I Dream of Genie. I loved that show. I loved how they could make things happen and would make the coolest things take place.
I was surprised when I found out that 2 Chronicles 1 you see a genie type scenario play out between Solomon and God. It's really quite interesting and worth you time to study and read the entire chapter, because I will only highlight a few parts here.
"In that night God appeared to Solomon and said to him, 'Ask what I shall give you." (2 Chronicles 1:7)
WOW! Sometimes I really wish God would ask me that. I could think of a lot of things. In fact as soon as I read that verse earlier this morning, my mind began to wander towards the areas that I would ask for. A boat, a chance to meet Steve Spurrier, my mortgage to be paid off, my child to be super successful... In fact, YOU are probably thinking of some things right now! But continue reading, because Solomon's response kicked me right in the diaphragm!
"Give me now wisdom and knowledge..." (1:10)
Ouch. As I thought through what I wanted, I realized something after reading this verse - all that I would ask for benefited me personally in some way. But, Solomon asks for wisdom and knowledge, and if you read the rest of the verses and the context of the scriptures you see the reason for the request: to help lead the people that God has given him. It would benefit him, sure, but it would even more greatly benefit those whom he is leading.
Oh that I would come to that heart/realization. I think there's a lot of us that think we have all the knowledge/wisdom we could possibly bear when in all reality - God has placed us in specific/strategic places of leadership and wisdom/knowledge is exactly what we need! I don't believe that Solomon was just asking for a one time blessing/filling of knowledge/wisdom... I believe Solomon was realizing that the type of wisdom knowledge he needed would be a daily process of following God's leading.
All too often God's leading is compromised for our feeling. Don't let your mind overrule your heart, the place of God's residence. See, God is asking us what He could give us - but He wants it to be with the right heart... why do I say that? Check this out:
"God said to Solomon, 'Because you had this in mind, and did not ask for riches, wealth or honor, or the life of those who hate you, nor have you even asked for long life, but you have asked for yourself wisdom and knowledge...wisdom and knowledge have been granted to you. and I will give you riches and wealth and honor, such as none of the kings who were before you has possessed..." (1:11-12)
So, because of Solomon's HEART in the request God not only granted his request of knowledge and wisdom but He also blessed him with even more riches wealth and honor! Here's what I'm learning - the more wisdom and knowledge I obtain through the following of the Holy Spirit, the more I understand true riches, actual wealth, and the definition of honor.
May we all, together, learn to understand the importance of knowledge and wisdom and the incredible consistent process that is included in this!
Lord, give me YOUR heart to teach me the knowledge needed, and the wisdom desired!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Past Battle - Current Protection

Naturally, as a male, I'm a pretty competitive person. I don't like to lose, and I don't like for someone to show me up. Therefore, I enjoy games that involve competition. Basketball, Football, Baseball, etc. But, I also love war games. I love to build an army of combatants and defeat other armies. It's just interesting to me, I don't know why maybe I'm a nerd. (Don't judge me!)
One story that I have always loved, from childhood, is the story of David and Goliath. Then the aftermath of that battle, where David was actually hated by King Saul, merely because people celebrated David for defeating a giant...yeah that was expected! (not really) But, I ran across something in my study today in 1 Samuel 21 that really made me think and gave me hope.
1 Samuel 21:8-9 are the verses in study here.
David comes into a place of hiding and refuge after finding out from his covenant relationship with Jonathan that Saul was out for his head. He's talking with Ahimelech and asking for some food, since he had to leave in such a hurry, and for weapons. Basically asking for anything of worth that could help him during this journey of survival and even discovery of his new life. And Ahimelech lets him know about the sword of Goliath that was still available. And if he needed it - it was available for us, in which David gratefully accepted the offer.
I thought it interesting that a few chapters earlier, there was an intense battle between 2 armies, and the main weapon of intimidation and destruction for Goliath was his sword. And it took a shepherd boy to come bringing food/water to his brothers to have enough guts to attempt to take on the giant. Why? Because he wasn't afraid because of the presence/power of God with him. But, we see an intense and dramatic battle take place with David and Goliath, and we all know the end result. David beasts Goliath by killing him with a sling and a stone... despite the sword of Goliath.
Goliath had superior armor and weapons, but David defeated the giant. And the sword was kept, I would imagine as a keepsake or a reminder of the battle, and that anything is possible. But, there came a time in David's life, when he would come face to face with the sword that no doubt caused some nervousness and fear in his life. But, this time the sword that caused a series of emotions was different. It was a different set of circumstances, and different establishment of situations... life was different. This time David would find himself being chased by the very man that mentored him for years. David would find himself running for his life, quite literally, from someone that once had all of his trust.
Here was the difference - the weapon that once caused fear, timidity, and anxiety on the part of David, was now about to provide security, reliability, and comfort. The very sword that was once part of David's battle, was now becoming part of David's current protection.Here's what I learned in this: You may be fighting a battle at this moment. You may be impatient about a promise, you may be fighting with your spouse, you may feel as if there is no person/being/thing that could help you from this pain... and your battle may be consuming your life. And sometimes God wants you to pick up the weapons He's placed in front of you, regardless of size/logic (sling and stone), and let Him defeat the giant. But don't take your current battle for granted, because your current battle could produce your future protection! (Goliath's sword) There's ALWAYS a lesson to be learned from a battle - whether won or lost....
Don't let your battle depress you, let it defend you! You can do this!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Stand Strong...
As I've grown older I've matured and grown up, naturally. It's a natural progression. As I've worked in the ministry and been in leadership, I've learned a lot about leadership as well. As a young leader, my decisions/ideas were easily swayed or transitioned, simply because I wasn't as confident in my leadership decisions. Now, my above motives/decisions weren't detrimental to me... may not have been bright, but not detrimental. They were simply stupid.
As I read in Luke 23 the story of Jesus being brought before Pilate I see a leader that was trying. A leader that felt as if he had the tools, abilities, capabilities, and opportunities to be a great leader. Someone that had the chance to really lead people well. But, I see a leader that wasn't confident in his leadership skills. A leader that was scared, and listened a whole lot more to people than to God. A leader that was more infatuated with position than with progression. A leader that wasn't worried about doing the right thing, but the popular thing.
"But they were insistent, with loud voices asking that He be crucified. And their voices began to prevail. And Pilate pronounced sentence that their demand be granted." (Luke 23:23-24, NASB)
Their voices BEGAN TO PREVAIL... and he gave instructions THAT THEIR DEMAND BE GRANTED. A leader that is not confident in leading will always give in. That doesn't mean that leaders lead with an iron fist, comparable to a dictator. It means that a leader knows the direction and goal in which they are to achieve, and journey that road with those that follow.
Leaders too often give up. They give in. They give in to what seems to be the demands of their followers. They are FOLLOWERS because they are FOLLOWING your LEAD! Pilate wanted Jesus released, but the people did not. And because of that, the innocence of Christ hung on a humiliating and embarassing cross. The pure innocent Lamb was crucified to a death that only the worst criminals were to partake. Why? Yes because God the Father ordained it this way for our sacrifices... but also because Pilate wasn't a compotent or confident leader.
As you lead today, whether it's your ministry, family, classroom or other area of influence, lead with the confidence that God will not lead you astray. If God truly placed you in your area of influence, He's given you the ability to confidently follow Him, as others follow you! Lead today and lead with confidence. Your family WILL follow and so will others... all because leadership anointing attracts followers.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Ephesians 1:4 says that we were created in Him and chosen in Him before the Earth was even created. So, WE were created before the very place of our inhabitance. We were also consecrated, or set a part for a specific purpose, before the Earth. What does this mean?
Well, since we know that God's WORDS spoke everything into existence, and set the boundaries of it's limitations and specific purposes, we can believe that the same is true for us. God spoke a word into our hearts/spirits when we were created in order to set our boundaries of our specific purpose.
He tells Jeremiah that He is watching over His word to make sure it is performed well. Wow! God is looking down from above, watching us... not to critique, to criticize, nor to "dog out" what we are doing... rather, as a loving father, to help us perform well our purpose!
See, growing up, my dad only wanted me to succeed. When I had a reason/purpose to complete something He told me to do, he wanted me to do it and do it right. That could be why I have such a desire/passion to accomplish everything with excellence now. He wouldn't look for things I'd done wrong, but ways to make sure I was performing at my best.
God is doing the same with us. He doesn't want to beat us up over something, He simply wants to help us accomplish our task with excellence, and to the best of our ability. Why? Because it brings HONOR to Him, and makes His creation look good.
So, whatever it is that God has spoken into your spirit. Maybe it was years ago, maybe days ago, maybe hours ago... but whatever it is. If you've buried it, uncover it. If you've forgotten it, ask God to bring it back to memory. If it's not important, please make it an object of prayer... because He spoke that into you on purpose. And He's waiting to help you perform it... the way He intended. Just listen to Him.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
In Me
So, essentially inside of me was locked up all kinds of possibilities and opportunities. As a kid I never saw anything as impossible. Sometimes things were difficult, they were hard, and maybe I had to work a little harder to make it happen, but impossible was not in my vocabulary. One time I wanted a tree house, and I wanted to build it myself. I never asked my dad or brother or anyone for help. Me and my friend Chad went out into the woods in front of my house, and began to build a tree house out of BRANCHES! Needless to say it was pretty bad. NOT a good idea... the point is this: I wanted it, and it never crossed my mind how difficult it might be. I just knew that's what I wanted/needed and I did what I had to in order to make it happen.
In life, many times we look at the impossibilities instead of the possibilities. We look at the difficulties rather than the opportunities. Sometimes I long to go back to childhood, merely for the reason of knowing that ANYTHING was actually possible. Maybe it was the covering of protection from parents, or something else. Either way, it wasn't a problem, it was an opportunity. As life goes on, many of us need something or want something, or see something that we are "drawn" to or "called" to, but then the problem/difficulty raises up... and our destination becomes nothing more than something to strive for, instead of something to get to.
"Now to Him who is able to do FARE MORE ABUNDANTLY BEYOND all that we ask or think, ACCORDING to the POWER THAT WORKS WITHIN US..." (Ephesians 3:20)
Yes, God can do whatever He wants, and He can do MORE than we could ever even imagine, however, there's a key part of that verse. "...according to the power that works within us..." What is that power?
"But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you." (Romans 8:11)
What works within us is the same power that worked within Christ when He was actually DEFEATING DEATH! Think about it - it says "...who raise Jesus from the dead..." Why was He raised from the dead? TO DEFEAT DEATH! So, the same power that conquered death, is the same power that can conquer our difficulties!
Does that mean that you will get EVERYTHING you want? Well, if your desires are His, sure... if they aren't, then probably not honestly. I'm just encouraged in the fact that if I believe in the power within me and I know what it can accomplish - then God can do above what I've ever even WISHED! When Jesus returned to His hometown, Matthew says "He didn't preform many miracles because of unbelief..."
In order for God to really rock out and do something greater than we can imagine, I must put myself in places to trust in and believe in the power He's placed within me! It's not about me... it's not about what I can't accomplish, but about what He can. And with Him - NOTHING is impossible!
Will you trust the power within you today? If you haven't, will you pray and ask God to help you trust His power?
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Not JUST a Story
Couple that scripture with:
"In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace." (Ephesians 1:7)
"Therefore, brethren, since we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus. by a new and living way which He inaugurated for us through the veil, that is, His flesh," (Hebrews 10:19-20)
I'm in unspeakable awe of what all of that really entails. Just reading the first verse (Heb. 1:3), I had to stop and pause for a few minutes to soak it in... and during my time of soaking in the Word - I began to be overwhelmed by the very words printed in my Bible. It's not that I never understood Jesus before. It's not that I never knew what He represented, it's something about that verse that brings it all home.
Jesus was a man, yes I know that. He was on earth, yes that is understood. But, what I often forget is that He was the "EXACT representation" of God. Not just some man, not just some guy, not just some dude walking around trying to make it. (which He was) - But He was the EXACT representation of God's grace, beauty, forgiveness, love, and mercy. He wasn't trying to achieve that - He WAS that!
And the fact that God chose to bless us with the opportunity for HIM to come to OUR place of life is incredible. Yet, the verse goes on to say that He made PURIFICATION of sins. He didn't eliminate them... He didn't forget them... He didn't throw them away... He made them PURE. Think about it - sin: dirty, grimy, disgusting acts of disobedience covered in disrespect. Yet, God said - If I TAKE them away, it's not love anymore because you don't CHOOSE your love to me, you're forced to it. But, if I leave them and make the PURE to those who love me - then there's a true love and passion...
God's EXACT representation, God's very being was put to death - in a brutal manner - so that we could CHOOSE to be purified through Him. But, couldn't He have done that in a different way?
"For since He Himself was tempted in that which He has suffered, He is able to come to the aid of those who are tempted." (Hebrews 2:18, NASB)
He sent His very self down to earth for 1 reason: To learn more about us, so He could make us pure. And as He lived our life, as He encountered our culture, and as He loved our loved ones... He realized that purification through death was the way to defeat the fear of death. (2:14)
So, at this point the story of Jesus can't be just a story of forgiveness so I can live my life... but a story of the beauty and grace of indescribable forgiveness so that we can live His life. Today, you have the chance to live with Him and for Him. It's not a decision to be thought about it - it's a decision that must be realized. That through Him my life is made purposeful. And that will never change!