Mindsets. To be honest, I believe that someone's mindset is their greatest strength of their greatest downfall. I don't know anyone who is in between. I do know people that fluctuate between the 2, sometimes it is their greatest asset - then other times it's their greatest downfall. The way we see things determines the way we respond.
I was reading an amazing post on Facebook earlier by my friend Eric Mackey (look it up, AMAZING!) - and he referenced the mindset conundrum as well. See, there's a reason that in Matthew 22:37 Jesus tells us to love the Lord with all of our heart, soul, and MIND. Mind wasn't in there by mistake. There's also a reason that Romans 12:2 is included in scripture. (well, i guess there's a reason all scriptures are in there, but you get what i'm saying)
See mindsets hold us back, or launch us forward. Your mindset is the key to your relationship with Christ, and your acceptance of victory. Your mindset can either keep you in the same quicksand of trials/tribulations of your life, or it can help you find the victory in the midst of the battle.
Jesus spoke directly to mindsets numerous times. Many times when healing someone, He would ask them WHY they wanted to be healed. Why would He ask that? Because He was speaking directly to their mindsets. He knew why they wanted to be healed, and He knew they REALLY wanted to be touched or else they wouldn't come. But He had to get THEM to see their reasoning. He wanted them to understand the benefits of their healing. He wanted the woman with the issue of blood to see that it was her FAITH that healed her. He was renewing her mind, so she could be radically transformed.
Renewing something means to make it new...again! To transform something is to change it - in a radical way. For so long, growing up in church - I was under the impression that all I had to do was go to the altar, pray about it, ask Christ into my life and everything was all good. I had to follow the "rules" and accept the "ways" of life - never to change my way of thinking/realizing things. I believe the reason so many people are still in the same crap they were in before coming to Christ, is because their minds were never made NEW again, and their lives, consequently, could never be radically changed!
As I write this I think of the relearning and transforming of my life over the past 1-2 years. I think of the renewing that has had to take place, including my religious teachings. And to be honest - I'm not necessarily smarter than I was - I'm just radically different than I was. And my MIND is beginning to follow my heart and my soul in loving God... and isn't THAT what will change me... and the world?
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