Wow... we are a little over 1 week away from beginning the small groups of Radiate Church! I can't believe that God has given us this opportunity! I want to start a series of blogs that explain a little of the vision of Radiate Church. You will hear more in depth explanation on October 16 @ 6:30pm. Come check us out!
The mission statement of Radiate Church is: "Introducing People To The Life God Intended"... so what in the world does that mean?
God intended HIS children, His people to live a life that matters. John 10:10 "...I came to give life, and give it to the full." How powerful. This holds many truths and promises that we can't even comprehend.
It is our mission to introduce people to the full life of Salvation! Your life will never be as full as it should/could be without the salvation of Jesus Christ, and the forgiveness of God. God looked into your future, saw a messed up, screwed up past, and decided that Jesus could and would take it all for you. Why? So that you would have the opportunity to be with Him... for eternity! It's a simple concept that's extremely difficult to grasp.
Your life won't be lived to the fullest until you have received salvation. Once salvation is a reality to you - a life that is lived as God intended is a life of success. Colossians 3:23 says to do everything as if you are doing it for God and not men. God demands, and expects success. NOTHING about God is a failure. NOTHING of God is an accident. NOTHING that concerns God can fall short. NOTHING with God is impossible! Your job, your family, your finances, your hobbies, your church...anything that involves God will succeed! What does that success look like? I have no idea? For Moses, it was leading the Israelites out of the wilderness. For Noah it was finishing the ark and saving animals. For Nehemiah it was finishing a wall and rebuilding a city. For Paul it was completing missionary journeys and seeing people come to know God. I have no idea what success looks like for you, but I do know this... With God success is inevitable.
Well then why haven't I been promoted? Why can't I get ahead in my finances? Why are my children disobedient? Simple question: Is GOD at the forefront of it all, or are you and man? What GOD touches does not fail! People have freedom of choice, and some will go against what God leads, but YOU will be taken care of... you will succeed. Why? God promises provision/protection/help... IF you are seeking/serving/loving Him and not man! It's all a matter of the heart.
Again, you will hear more on October 16... however, my next blog will finish up this mission statement and will contain instruction on: Excess, and Loving Others!
(leave us a comment and let's hear from you!)
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