I was sitting in a meeting for lunch today for a tremendous ministry. I was listening to people tell their stories about how God has worked in their participation of this ministry. It was truly great to hear and awesome to see a glimpse of the hearts of the participants. It's tremendous to see people across denominational lines come together, and share the expanding of the Kingdom. But there was one thing that made me think, although it was innocent as innocent can be.
There was a woman that was talking about talking to a student that she had been teaching Biblical truth to and this student brought up a tough topic and she needed help with: homosexuality/lesbianism. This student was dabbling in the lifestyle of lesbianism, and she needed to talk. The woman talked a little with this girl, and by most accounts (in my opinion) she followed protocol pretty well. But she made a statement that struck me the wrong way. "...it was difficult to talk to her about it because no one wants to breach that subject and I surely didn't..." (this is not exact, but it's pretty close) Now, I can understand the innocence of this comment, but the thing that really struck me was this: others in the room (many of which included pastors) agreed! Why is that difficult for me to grasp? Because they were agreeing to the fact that no one should breach the subject of homosexuality, and the reality that it was discussed that even if we are asked, we should not approach it in a group while participating in the ministry. (Now the ministry is a DYNAMIC ministry, and it should not be discounted because of this.)
Again, I understand and realize the innocence and professionalism in which they were trying to approach the subject... but I found myself getting angry in a sense. Why? Because when are we, as believers of Christ, going to become BOLD again!? I'm not against homosexuals and I don't dislike or hate lesbians. In fact I know people that live these lifestyles, and you know what? I would hang out with them any time the opportunity came available. So, please do not take this as bashing homosexuals or lesbians, but I do take this opportunity to respect/understand Biblical TRUTH! The reality is simple: this lifestyle is wrong and sinful. It doesn't matter how you look at it, and it doesn't matter how you try to spin it - the lifestyle is wrong and sinful. (Leviticus 20:13, Leviticus 18:22, 1 Corinthians 6:9 to name a few)
Again, I love the person; but make no mistake about it - I hate the sin! Now, again, don't be deceived I do wrong, and mess up... and if I continue to live in that sin with the knowledge of the wrong, I'm sinning against the will of God - despite my knowledge and there will be judgement as long as I live in that sin! (Hebrews 10:26-27) But God desires for us to be the best person we can be: encompassed with His love, guidance, power, and grace! There is an incredible reason you were created and He wants to see you successfully complete that reason with Him. But, here's my big hang up today: WHERE IS THE BOLDNESS!?
Acts 28:31 talks about Paul arriving at Rome and declaring the TRUTH of the Gospel with BOLDNESS. 2 Corinthians 3:12 talks about having the HOPE of Jesus Christ we are to be very bold! People here's the reality - where is the boldness of the Spirit that we claim we can attain? When the Spirit of God come and graced the 12 disciples, the boldness in which Peter spoke to those many people was incredible. The power in which the disciples walked the earth after that moment was to be envied. The boldness in which Billy Graham was committed to traveling the world spreading the gospel and the boldness of Martin Luther has been forgotten, and dare I say not desired.
Why are we afraid to speak the TRUTH of the Gospel. As I said in the earlier paragraphs we are followers of Christ. As I recall John 14:6 declares that Jesus is "...the way, and the TRUTH, and the life..." (emphasis mine) So again, I ask: where is the boldness in church? School? Life? Religion? Is it hiding under the bed, afraid of what may await? Is your boldness hiding in the closet afraid of the judgement it may receive? Or is your boldness hiding deep within your thoughts afraid to come out because it may cause question of my "reputation"? Wherever your boldness is - find it... coax it out of it's corner and hiding place... and help your boldness to understand that in order to believe in Christ is to stand for TRUTH... and allow your boldness to show off it's muscles, and don't be afraid... just make sure your boldness is biblically based and not opinion driven.
Will you join me in becoming bold for my truthful God?
I want to reiterate: this blog is not to demean or undermind the ministry in which I was referencing, nor the people that made this statement. Nor is this blog to "hate" on homosexuals/lesbians... this blog is simply for the topic of boldness. Yes, it does present my Biblical viewpoint and understanding of the alternate lifestyle... but I love the person that may be encompassed in that lifestyle!
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