Naturally, as a male, I'm a pretty competitive person. I don't like to lose, and I don't like for someone to show me up. Therefore, I enjoy games that involve competition. Basketball, Football, Baseball, etc. But, I also love war games. I love to build an army of combatants and defeat other armies. It's just interesting to me, I don't know why maybe I'm a nerd. (Don't judge me!)
One story that I have always loved, from childhood, is the story of David and Goliath. Then the aftermath of that battle, where David was actually hated by King Saul, merely because people celebrated David for defeating a giant...yeah that was expected! (not really) But, I ran across something in my study today in 1 Samuel 21 that really made me think and gave me hope.
1 Samuel 21:8-9 are the verses in study here.
David comes into a place of hiding and refuge after finding out from his covenant relationship with Jonathan that Saul was out for his head. He's talking with Ahimelech and asking for some food, since he had to leave in such a hurry, and for weapons. Basically asking for anything of worth that could help him during this journey of survival and even discovery of his new life. And Ahimelech lets him know about the sword of Goliath that was still available. And if he needed it - it was available for us, in which David gratefully accepted the offer.
I thought it interesting that a few chapters earlier, there was an intense battle between 2 armies, and the main weapon of intimidation and destruction for Goliath was his sword. And it took a shepherd boy to come bringing food/water to his brothers to have enough guts to attempt to take on the giant. Why? Because he wasn't afraid because of the presence/power of God with him. But, we see an intense and dramatic battle take place with David and Goliath, and we all know the end result. David beasts Goliath by killing him with a sling and a stone... despite the sword of Goliath.
Goliath had superior armor and weapons, but David defeated the giant. And the sword was kept, I would imagine as a keepsake or a reminder of the battle, and that anything is possible. But, there came a time in David's life, when he would come face to face with the sword that no doubt caused some nervousness and fear in his life. But, this time the sword that caused a series of emotions was different. It was a different set of circumstances, and different establishment of situations... life was different. This time David would find himself being chased by the very man that mentored him for years. David would find himself running for his life, quite literally, from someone that once had all of his trust.
Here was the difference - the weapon that once caused fear, timidity, and anxiety on the part of David, was now about to provide security, reliability, and comfort. The very sword that was once part of David's battle, was now becoming part of David's current protection.Here's what I learned in this: You may be fighting a battle at this moment. You may be impatient about a promise, you may be fighting with your spouse, you may feel as if there is no person/being/thing that could help you from this pain... and your battle may be consuming your life. And sometimes God wants you to pick up the weapons He's placed in front of you, regardless of size/logic (sling and stone), and let Him defeat the giant. But don't take your current battle for granted, because your current battle could produce your future protection! (Goliath's sword) There's ALWAYS a lesson to be learned from a battle - whether won or lost....
Don't let your battle depress you, let it defend you! You can do this!
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