Church. It's really a polarizing subject with many people. There's many topics that people seem to debate within and about the Church. Should they be tax exempt? Should they discuss politics? Should you just attend? Is the Tithe still applicable today? Should you be involved? But, perhaps the most discussed topic about the Church is this... Why should I even go?
It's a legitimate question. I mean, we do have a lot of things vying for our attention right? Kids, spouses, jobs, finances, sports, hobbies, etc, etc. The reality is... do we even have time to attend Church? I mean, after all, it IS the only day of the week we get to sleep in right? Because we can't sleep in and rest on Saturdays, after all, we have football games to attend, sports to play, and other things to do... we can't sacrifice those things, but Church we can sacrifice. I mean, it is JUST Church!
"And He puts all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body, the FULLNESS of Him who fills all in all." (Ephesians 1:22-23, NASB... emphasis added)
So, Jesus is over all things and has authority over all things. If you have ANY familiarity with Church at all, you've probably heard that Jesus has authority over everything. That's not really the part I want to discuss today, but it is interesting to note that nothing we face on this earth is above the name of Jesus!
But, here's the interesting portion of scripture here... it says Jesus has authority and "head" over all things TO THE CHURCH... Which is HIS BODY! The Church is WAY more than a building, windows, doors, parking lots, and coffee in the lobby. All of those things are great and important, and in my opinion vital to church growth. But what does that have to do with going to Church? This... when we commit to being part of a Church we are agreeing and committing to part of the BODY of JESUS! You're not just committing to a saved seat each week, but you're literally committing to being part of the Body of Jesus... which is the body of power, authority, love, grace, goodness, sacrifice, mercy, and so much more!
Then the scripture makes another bold accusation about the Church... the Church is the FULLNESS of Jesus. In short, here's why you should go to Church... because you want love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, purpose, hope, promise... but you cannot FULLY have it until you are connected to His body! Therefore, through transaction, you cannot be fully walking in everything Jesus has to offer unless you are a part of a Church!
Jesus discusses in Matthew that HE is building the Church. 1 Corinthians says that GOD causes the growth of the Church. Going to Church isn't just about attending, about consuming, about setting an alarm clock. Committing to the Church is much more about being part of the FULLNESS of everything that Jesus is...TOGETHER!
So, you make the decision. Should you go to Church? I say "yes", others say "no"... I believe Jesus says "yes". Been hurt by Church? Join the club. Think Church is a bunch of hypocrites? Join the club. You don't want to stick out like a sore thumb? Join the club.
1. Decide if you want to be part of the FULLNESS of Jesus.
2. Find a Church in your area.
3. Go to Churches until you find one you GROW in!
4. COMMIT and go!
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