So, I've been on quite the leadership and pastorship journey recently. It's fun... but challenging in the area of growth. I want to simply share with you a small portion of this journey.
Not too long ago, while praying/studying our vision and the great things I feel God wants Radiate Church to do. I was reading Joshua, as I was reading Joshua 1 I ran across a very challenging portion of scripture - Joshua 1:11
"Pass through the midst of the camp and command the people, saying, 'Prepare provisions for yourselves, for within 3 days you are to cross this Jordan, to go in to possess the land which the Lord your God is giving you, to possess it." (emphasis added)
This portion of scripture led me to begin our Vision Preparation Initiative: Project 1:11 ($111,111 in 11 months). Where will that money go? I don't know, I just know I was to begin it to prepare for vision. Anyway, this verse jumped out at me and screamed in my face this: "You know why so many, including you, aren't seeing the promised land and results? You're NOT PREPARING FOR IT!" Challenging right? Painful huh? I knew, when I heard those words, it was time to redefine some things.
As I was reading recently 2 Corinthians I also read this: "But now finish doing it also, so that just as there was the readiness to desire it, so there may be also the completion of it by your ability. For if the readiness is present, it is acceptable according to what a person has, not according to what he does not have." (2 Corinthians 8:11-12, NASB)
Here's what I believe is the case...I believe every believer, every pastor, and every church wants to effectively proclaim the glory, grace, and goodness of God and the Kingdom in a bold way. So why is it so difficult to do? Sure, it's easy to blame it on media/society/and lack of morals. But the real reason may be a little more difficult and challenging than we expect. What if it's because our READINESS isn't present (2 Corin. 8:12) and we haven't fully prepared ourselves to possess the land God promised? (Joshua 1:11)
We are at a cultural divide currently over the issue of homosexuality and other seemingly obvious sins. Maybe people won't listen to our thoughts because we haven't been ready to listen and love people and we haven't prepared ourselves with the provision of love and grace. I'm tired of doing CHURCH and expecting great results, when I'm doing my work at the last minute. Joshua defeated a great land, and did great works that are still notably incredible today. And he had to get his people PREPARED to do the work. Sure, God did it - and God provided the miracle and dropped the walls...but would He have done this if Joshua hadn't prepared his people?
Stop waiting on things to happen. Stop living on ability, and begin preparing for anointing! It's not a matter of giving God "room to work"- it's honestly a matter that at times, I've been too lazy to do what needed to be done to prepare to possess the promise for my life, my church, and my family! According to the miracles and possessions I study in the Word, without proper preparation, possession is only an idea!
Pastor, leader, friend... can we decide today that no longer will we do things last minute? We will see the promise possessed in every way by preparing spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and figuratively for it? If you aren't prepared, possession isn't a reality for you!
Let's journey together.
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