Ok. So, I've been holding off on writing this for a while now. But, I just need to get it out, therefore I'll write it.
Recently we've seen the events that have shaken our country. Everything from racism, to natural disasters, to a political competition that seems to be more focused on mocking and belittling competitors rather than adding solutions to problems.
I try to keep up with the news and the "goings on" of the world. Yesterday as I was watching the news I saw a report about a new Christmas sweater that is the newest output of controversy... on the sweater it says "OCD: Obsessive Christmas Disorder". And there is literally a group of people that are getting together to ban the sales of the sweater due to "offense". All this on the coattails of a group of hypersensitive Christians that were offended because a SECULAR company isn't putting Christmas symbols on their Starbucks cups! (you know, because snowflakes and reindeer are the reason for the season after all.)
As I've grown increasingly frustrated with what seems to be the fact that we are a society that is offended by anything, yet feel as if we are owed everything - I've repeatedly thought on this verse. (I'm quoting from The Message Bible due to the ease of the wording.)
But he’s already made it plain how to live, what to do,
what God is looking for in men and women.
It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor,
be compassionate and loyal in your love,
And don’t take yourself too seriously—
take God seriously.
Micah 6:8
I want to focus on this... "...And don't take yourself too seriously - take God seriously." It seems as if we have all began to take ourselves too seriously. Life isn't about us, it's about the God in us and helping others meet Him! When we get to a point where a CHRISTMAS SWEATER offends us, we are taking ourselves way too seriously. When we get to a place where a bumper sticker causes you to question your loyalties, we're taking ourselves too seriously. When we get to a place where a secular business acting like, well, a secular business offends us...we are taking ourselves too serious.
It's not about me in this life! It's not about my wants. It's not about my desires. It's not about everyone discounting what they feel/want to appease me. As a follower of Jesus, honestly, it's more about me understanding where someone that isn't a follower is coming from more than them understanding where I'm coming from.
And let me answer your criticism. NO...I don't think you should back off of your stance, beliefs, values, convictions. But I do believe we need to stop being so freakin' offended! IT'S NOT ABOUT ME OR YOU! It's about Him! I believe the enemy knows we are hyper-sensitive. I believe the enemy knows that if he can get us so offended at everything that we will focus on that rather than the real goal that Jesus told us about... "...Love God, love others..." and basically - the rest will work itself out.
My goal in this post isn't to stir controversy but to encourage us all in one thing. Don't play offense so much. Enjoy life. Enjoy people. Enjoy Jesus. You're not bound by the things that offend you, you're freed by the grace that others crave! Let's go out and make a difference and let's be more known for what we are FOR rather than what we're against! Because what I'm for can take care of what I'm against!