The thing about a detour, however, is that they always steer you away from an imminent danger ahead. Whether that danger is because of road crews fixing a road/bridge, or a storm knocked over a tree, or a power line fell...the detour is for your own good, whether you realize it at that moment or not. And to be honest, the DOT doesn't much care if you like the detour or not. Their job isn't to please you, their job is to protect you.
Moses and the Israelites were handed a detour that ultimately saved their lives. Check this out:
"Now when Pharaoh had let the people go, God did not lead them by the way of the land of the Philistines, even though it was near; for God said, 'The people might change their minds when they see war, and return to Egypt.' Hence God led the people around by the way of the wilderness to the Red Sea..." (Egypt 13:17-18,NASB)
After their release from Egypt, God began leading the Israelites and Moses to their promised land of "milk and honey" and so much more. Apparently as they started on their way there was a way to get there that was quicker...but it required going through the battle grounds of the Philistines. Because the Israelites were healing, they were still hurting, they were afraid God was looking out for their well being so He led them to a detour. He took them around the Red Sea in order to keep them from being discouraged and frustrated by seeing the fighting and turmoil found in the land of the Philistines. It wasn't God's concern at this point to please the Israelites, it was His concern to protect them! He would rather them have learned to trust on Him in the difficult times (no water, no food, no shelter, they thought they would die) than to risk them getting hurt by seeing what was going on in the world.
Let me submit something to you... what if walking through this life and this wilderness isn't about getting to the good times, but learning to grow in the wilderness moments? What if the promised lands we endure are rewards for the way we trust and depend on Him in the wilderness? What if when we face a wilderness it isn't a bad thing that we should ignore, rather a good thing that we should praise. What if the detour that you didn't see coming in your life, that you're walking down right now, isn't to please you but to protect you from something.
Let me assure you of this...there is nothing you will face in your detour that will catch God off guard! When the Israelites could find no water...God knew a rock was nearby that water was in. When they didn't have food, God knew that manna wasn't far behind. When they needed light/heat at night, He provided a pillar of fire to lead the way. When they needed cover from the blistering sun during the day God provided a cloud overhead. My point? The detour you're facing right now is NOT your promised land...it is your wilderness that is preparing you to inhabit the good things!
Don't despise the detours! Embrace the detours! Understand that sometimes God protecting will come at the expense of God pleasing you. At times they aren't hand in hand...so don't complain, learn!
Enjoy the journey!