Ephesians 1:4 says that we were created in Him and chosen in Him before the Earth was even created. So, WE were created before the very place of our inhabitance. We were also consecrated, or set a part for a specific purpose, before the Earth. What does this mean?
Well, since we know that God's WORDS spoke everything into existence, and set the boundaries of it's limitations and specific purposes, we can believe that the same is true for us. God spoke a word into our hearts/spirits when we were created in order to set our boundaries of our specific purpose.
He tells Jeremiah that He is watching over His word to make sure it is performed well. Wow! God is looking down from above, watching us... not to critique, to criticize, nor to "dog out" what we are doing... rather, as a loving father, to help us perform well our purpose!
See, growing up, my dad only wanted me to succeed. When I had a reason/purpose to complete something He told me to do, he wanted me to do it and do it right. That could be why I have such a desire/passion to accomplish everything with excellence now. He wouldn't look for things I'd done wrong, but ways to make sure I was performing at my best.
God is doing the same with us. He doesn't want to beat us up over something, He simply wants to help us accomplish our task with excellence, and to the best of our ability. Why? Because it brings HONOR to Him, and makes His creation look good.
So, whatever it is that God has spoken into your spirit. Maybe it was years ago, maybe days ago, maybe hours ago... but whatever it is. If you've buried it, uncover it. If you've forgotten it, ask God to bring it back to memory. If it's not important, please make it an object of prayer... because He spoke that into you on purpose. And He's waiting to help you perform it... the way He intended. Just listen to Him.