Righteousness. A religious term, only applicable to those who attend church, sit in pews, and enjoy church music. Right?
Merriam-Webster defines "Righteousness" as: 1-free from guilt or sin. 2- morally right or justifiable.
Good ol' Merriam. He's such a smart guy to know so many words. He'll never know the impact of this one definition on me. It puts the book of Proverbs into such reality and simplicity.
Check out Proverbs 13:
5 "A righteous man hates falsehood..."
6 "Righteousness guards the one whose way is blameless..."
9 "The light of the righteous rejoices..."
Righteousness... it's the idea of being free from sin. It's the act of being burdened no more by the stresses and frustrations of the world, simply because you know God has it all. It's the evidence of grace, mercy, love, and understanding all wrapped into one characteristic. It's pleasing God... and according to Proverbs 13 it's reward is protection, favor, and joy.
You see when righteousness becomes a reality to me, I begin to HATE being around sin and sinful things. I begin to despise having it evident in my life. I don't want anything to do with it. Which in most definitions would make someone a "radical".
My friend Merriam-Webster does it again:
Radical: 1- very different from the usual or traditional, 2- favoring extreme changes in existing views, habits, conditions, or institutions.
So to be a radical, would be to be different... extremely different from the "norm". I think what I am in need of in my life, and in the church across America is simple: Radical Righteousness. When people leave groups of friends, family, and other habits behind to be closer to God we see it as strange or radical. When in all reality, it's the realization of righteousness. RADICAL RIGHTEOUSNESS will cause me to HATE sin and anything associated with it. Which makes Proverbs 13:20 completely relevant all of a sudden. "He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm." Now, it's not so crazy or radical, but it's now a Godly side effect of the covering, favor, and protection that righteousness creates!
Does that mean never associate with sinners? No, how else can we win them to Christ? It means don't WALK with them. Meet them, talk with them, hang out with them, but your steps can't be the same as their steps. Why? Because you now have radical righteousness - and that causes you to be different from the existing views/mindsets.
So, don't even question favor, protection, or understanding from God - if righteousness isn't even something you're striving for. I realized something today. It's ok to be a "black sheep" or to be different from the norm. I don't HAVE to look like, act like, talk like, or be like other pastors, youth pastors, or leaders. I can learn from them, respect them, and be mentored by them... but I don't have to BE them! As long as we are all walking in radical righteousness, who should care who we are anyway? As long as we are who God created us to be.
From now on, I'm me. I'm Brandon. No questions, no apologies, no worries. It's me and God. Radical Righteousness is my destination... God is my process. I love Him - THAT'S why!