It's been a while since I've posted but I think I will tonight...
I've been reading/studying the book of Acts recently and I just ran across the story of the conversion of Saul to Paul. One of my all time favorites, because I feel like most of us probably have a Saul Experience to speak of at some point in our lives. But tonight my mind and thoughts were turned from SAUL to ANANIAS.
Ananias was the one that prayed over Saul in order to "ordain" him to begin his ministry after his Damascus Rd experience. Ananias was a brave soul. He was apparently completely sold out and reliant upon God for strength, guidance, and wisdom or else I believe Paul may have never have been used as largely as he was. (Obviously, God had this planned from the beginning...) Saul was led by his "cohorts", if you will, into the town of Damascus, where Ananias lived. During the time of Saul's stay, Ananias was spoken to by the Lord about something very important. God wanted Ananias to go see and pray over Saul. This is a terrifying thought considering Ananias was a vocal believer and follower of God, and Saul was a well-known Christian killer, and God hater.
Ananias had the same response I would have, "What!? Seriously!? Have you heard what this guy has done? His reputation completely precedes him, how can you expect me to go see this guy? I'm not ready to die!" (My interpretation) But, God continues to explain His reasoning behind his decision, and tells Ananias basically, "Look, just like you, I created this guy. I have special plans for him. Yes, he's done wrong, and there will be consequences for that, but I'm not done with him. I have plans for him, and part of those plans are for you to go and pray with him and help him out. I've already showed that much to him." (again, my interpretation) Needless to say, Ananias goes to the place where Saul was staying; prays over him, talks with him, and he was filled with the Holy Spirit, the scales that were forbidding him from seeing were released, he was baptised, he ate to regain his strength and then he "immediately began to proclaim Jesus in the synagogues..."
And, in case you didn't know, Paul becomes one of the GREATEST evangelists and preachers to ever walk the face of the earth. Now why was I so drawn to Ananias tonight? Because of this: Ananias did not care about how stupid it sounded, how crazy other people might think he was, or even about his own fears... all he cared about was following the clear and deliberate instructions that God had given him to follow. He knew it could be tough...I mean it was a murderer, a liar, a man that hated God and people that loved God. This was a guy that was rough and tough in every way possible. The whole reason he was in the area was because he was on a trip to judge and kill more Christians anyway. Yet, regardless of logic or popular opinion Ananias followed the direction of God and the Holy Spirit, and went to see Saul. And because of that Saul became Paul who was transformed and changed by the power of God, and became crazy about wrecking Hell.
What's the point for you and for me? How many times has God spoken to us and asked us to help a stinky homeless man, or love a poor white man, or embrace a single black mother, or financially bless a lonely mexican husband and we turned and deliberately ignored it? For several logical reasons I'm sure. Such as: We don't know how they will spend that money, or I can't be seen with that person, or they could do it on their own if they really tried, or loneliness if simply a choice. Here's what God spoke to me: Why don't we quit trying to logic our way out of following the directions, and follow the ultimate direction... "Love your neighbor as yourself"? Because if we were honest, if we were in need we would want someone to be just like Ananias and help us out regardless of reputation and circumstance. Who cares if they don't look, act, or talk like us? Who cares if it seems impossible or difficult? If God's given you the dream of vision, GO FOR IT, and support others who are chasing directions from God as well.
We can't follow God and follow people, it's one of the other. I can't let God live in and direct my heart and listen to my head every single time. God speaks in several ways, but we won't know anything about those ways unless we train ourselves to listen, and follow. What is God telling YOU to do today?