So, in the midst of flipping through the channels while attempting to fall asleep last night, I ran across a show, I don't even know the name of it. It was about Pack Rats. And this show was all about cleaning up the houses of these people. And man, if you could've seen how messy,dirty, and trashy these houses were you would be surprised! There wasn't 1 square inch of house that wasn't covered in "junk" or "stuff". These people would literally cry while trying to throw things out. It was as if they were asked to sacrifice their first child. It was crazy! I can't believe how they were acting. But, in the midst of that God began to show me some things.
How many of us are pack rats? Not a literal pack rat but a spiritual pack rat? There are so many people that are spiritual pack rats in this life. We take our emotional hurts, mental blocks, spiritual confusions, and we pack it way back in the back of our minds, and every time something happens, we bring that junk back up in the forefront of our minds. Whether it be something someone said, something that we did in our past, or something we allowed to happen to us; either way we have to learn not to be pack rats.
There is so much that God wants to do in our lives and most times the junk that we "rats" pack can keep us from accomplishing the supernatural things that God has in our future. "All things become new", "I am a NEW creation", "Be transformed by the RENEWING of our minds", "Focus on things above not the things of this world"...All of those things talk about one thing...DOING SOMETHING NEW AND DIFFERENT!! But, in order to do that sometimes we need to allow someone (God) to sort through our junk, keep the parts that can teach us something, and throw away the junk!
Don't be a spiritual pack rat let God make YOU new, and RENEW your mind. Don't let someone or something that happened in your past dictate your future. If we completely put our trust in God, and we get to the point of belief in God and who He created us to be, what could really be our limit? HEAVEN! (Thanks Nik)
What is YOUR junk that you've been packing, and you know that now is the time to sort through it and throw it out so that God can use us to our full potential. GOD is our helper, let Him clean us up!